Message from Dr Shirish Sinha, Director, Climate, India- CIFF
As parts of India continue to boil from an intense, unrelenting and an unforgiving heat wave, it has once again brought out the debate on need for sustainable cooling solutions. However, the effects of heat waves are not felt evenly by all. The poor and the vulnerable communities are exposed to extreme warming and lack of capacity to adopt cooling solutions, hence resulting in cooling gap.

In 2019, India became the first country in the world to have an integrated and cross-sectoral ‘India Cooling Action Plan (ICAP)’, which was a requirement of the Kigali Amendment of the Montreal Protocol. The recognition of the need for sustainable cooling solutions for economy and people by the Government of India demonstrates strong ambition and political will.

As one of the largest global philanthropy working on children, we are seeing that future generation are fast becoming collateral damage of multiple global crises - one of them being the inter-generational burden of climate and environmental disruptions. For us at Children’s Investment Fund Foundation (CIFF), investing in promoting cooling efficiency and sustainable cooling solutions has been a key focus area for last several years as part of our climate actions. At the global level, we have been supporting Kigali Cooling Efficiency Partnership (K-CEP) to promote energy efficiency of cooling in developing countries to support Kigali Amendment of the Montreal Protocol.

Building on our global experience and capitalizing on ICAP, we have initiated a new programme - Alliance for Sustainable habitat, Energy Efficiency and Thermal Comfort for All (SHEETAL) with three partners – TERI, AEEE and CEEW. Through SHEETAL, we aim to support implementation and acceleration of the ICAP

Through this newsletter, SHEETAL is making progress to facilitate dialogue with cooling sector stakeholders to promote knowledge exchange, fostering innovation, technology development and collaboration.

This newsletter is our endeavour to provide regular update on SHEETAL and information on ICAP. We would love to have your feedback on the content to keep improving as we come with new edition.

Happy reading!

From Left to Right: Mr Karan Mangotra, Ex- Associate Director- The Energy and Resources Institute; Ms Poonam Sandhu, Financial Sector specialist and India Team Lead-Natural Resources Defense Council, Ms Sonia Medina Executive Director , Climate – Children’s Investment Fund Foundation; Dr. Ajay Mathur, Ex- Director General- The Energy and Resources Institute; Mr Abhay Bakre, Director General - Bureau of Energy Efficiency; Dr. Arunabha Ghosh, Chief Executive Officer- Council on Energy, Environment and Water, Dr. Satish Kumar, President and Executive Director- Alliance for an Energy Efficient Economy.
Following the trajectory of Kigali Amendment, consortium partners TERI, AEEE & CEEW under the aegis of “SHEETAL - Alliance for Sustainable Habitat, Energy Efficiency and Thermal Comfort for All”, are facilitating the implementation of the India Cooling Action Plan since December 2019. SHEETAL’s work spans across all sectors identified in the ICAP: space cooling, appliances research and development, transportation, servicing sector, cold chains, and others.

SHEETAL’s objectives:
  • India enhances access to cost-effective and socially resilient cooling
  • India achieves significant reduction in energy demand for cooling
  • India is informed to move on HFC phase down pathways under the Kigali Amendment, based on robust research.
  Read More  
  Spotlight: Interview with Mr Sameer Pandita, Director, Bureau of Energy Efficiency

 Since its inception in the year 2006, the Standards and labelling program for cooling appliances like room air conditioners (ACs) has saved 73 billion units of electricity equivalent to avoided CO2 emissions of 60 Million tonnes till 2018. Sameer Pandita

Full Interview

Access to cooling to attain thermal comfort is no longer a luxury but a necessity. "Thermal comfort for all" is vital for development and its importance cannot be overstated in a country like India, which is experiencing a growing population, heat stress, and rising lifestyle aspirations. Moreover, as a warming planet deepens inequalities within society, the key to helping the most vulnerable is by sustainably meeting their cooling needs.

With this being the cornerstone, SHEETAL advocates a multidisciplinary effort to facilitate the implementation of the ‘India Cooling Action Plan (ICAP)’ by bringing together stakeholders and experts to support India in meeting its Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and cutting down climate risks associated with emissions from the cooling sector.

SHEETAL recognizes “Thermal Comfort for All” as crucial and supports national policies in harmony with global discourse around cooling by developing strategies to tighten Minimum Energy Performance Standards (MEPS) of cooling equipment, adoption & implementation of residential building code, the development of a climate-friendly cold chain infrastructure, not in-kind low or non-refrigerant-based cooling technologies and nudging behaviour across India’s cooling sector. It gives us immense pleasure to introduce the first newsletter of project SHEETAL.
  Upcoming Event highlights
August- September 2021   Webinar on Multi-Country Industry Dialogue: Towards Low Carbon Cooling Access
October 2021   Side event to Meeting of Parties 33 by partners of SHEETAL alliance
August 2021   Webinar on “Analysis of Potato Value Chain in West Bengal - Roadmap for retrofitting-cum-modernizing existing cold storages” by AEEE

For registration details and more information stay tuned to SHEETAL Twitter Handle
  Events by SHEETAL alliance partners
TERI - International Cooling Forum: “Multi-Country Industry Dialogue: Towards Low Carbon Cooling Access” - April 2021
CEEW's side-event at the 43rd meeting of the OEWG of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol (OEWG43): Can international collaborative R&D solve the world’s cooling conundrum?

Webinar under the Solar Decathlon India on "Resilient Design for your Building" in December 2020.

  News from cooling sector
Government of Karnataka integrates Karnataka Energy Conservation Building code (KECBC) compliance requirements in Municipal Corporation Model Building (Amendment) Bye-Laws, 2021. Read More
Government of Madhya Pradesh mandates Madhya Pradesh Energy Conservation Building Code Rules. Read More

Government e-Marketplace (GeM) adds specific category to procure efficient and environment friendly green air conditioners for government buyers Read More
Global Cooling Prize was awarded to Green Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai, China with their partner Tsinghua University; and to Daikin with their partner Nikken Sekkei Ltd. Read More

Convergence Energy Services Limited (CESL) inks Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with The Collaborative Labelling and Appliance Standards Program (CLASP). Read More
Government of India announces Production Linked Incentive (PLI) Scheme for White Goods (Air Conditioners and LED Lights). Read More
  Publications by SHEETAL Alliance
TERI policy brief on Superefficient AC deployment: opportunities through business models in India
AEEE report on Decoding Evaporative Air Coolers
CEEW report on Collaborative R&D for Sustainable Cooling in India
For Articles and Blogs please follow link
  Collaborations under SHEETAL
Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between TERI & Kerala Infrastructure Investment Fund Board (KIIFB)

MoU between AEEE and Energy Efficiency Services Limited

For More details about MoU's Click here


Read full PDF version of the Newsletter here

For more information please contact
Ashish Saraswat
Project Manager
Project Management Unit for SHEETAL
TERI (The Energy and Resources Institute),
Darbari Seth Block, IHC Complex, Lodhi Road,
New Delhi - 110 003, INDIA
Tel. (+91 11) 2468 2100, Fax (+91 11) 2468 2144 and 2468 2145,