Mainstreaming Sustainability Actions & Practices


Newsletter | August 2023


As we close in towards the G20 Leaders’ Summit under India’s Presidency, we are delighted that your support and regular participation have enabled us to host several high level convenings – both part of the Sherpa tracks as well as official engagement platforms e.g. Think Tank 20 (T20).

The G20 International Seminar on Sharing global policies and best practices to decarbonize “Hard to Abate” sectors held as part of the G20 Sherpa track on Energy Transitions ensured that key messages from India are reaching the global leaders. Jointly developed with Shell, the T20 Summit in Mysuru embraced the recommendations of our report titled “India Transforming To A Net-Zero Emissions Energy System - A call to action to 2030”. Our scenarios examined how clean energy will look like in the decades to come. This becomes important to the central theme of T20’s Task Force on “Refueling Growth in the context of energy transitions”. The trilemma of energy security, energy equitability and energy sustainability are mainstream like never before, particularly in context of very near-term 2030 commitments. This report and our joint efforts exhibit that India can be a global leader, as well as source of global inspiration to the Global South. Our joint efforts with the World Economic Forum (WEF) and the Leadership Group for Industry Transitions (LeadIT), we informed the G20 Energy Ministers Meet the significant levels of risk-tolerant international capital and ambitious domestic policy measures are needed to decarbonize India’s hardest-to-abate industrial sectors.

As the final G20 Communique shapes up, it is clearly evident that the importance of developing and widely adopting both existing and emerging clean technologies will be the centre stage to near-term global discourse on climate policy and sustainability agenda. The technology options such as Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage (CCUS), Green and Low Carbon hydrogen and its derivatives, biofuels, Small and Modular Reactors (SMRs) etc. will provide impetus to the actions being undertaken by the signatory companies of the Industry Charter for Near-Zero Emissions Ambition by 2050, instituted by TERI.  Our engagements with leading Indian industries have gained consistent traction to advance agenda of industry decarbonization and circular economy.

Our Council for Business Sustainability serves as the interface for our research work to be connected to the corporate world and enables two-way engagement. TERI CBS engages with the core issue of what businesses must do to shape and lead in sustainability. Your suggestions and feedback remain a constant source of inspiration for us.

We hope that the newsletter provides a good and insightful reading for you.


In - Focus

Important Reads

T20 Communique: Recommendations on Clean Energy Transition

The T20 communique outlined a set of recommendations to the G20, focusing on strengthening resilient and sustainable clean energy supply chains. The communique shared the importance of building on existing efforts such as the G20 Resource Efficiency Dialogue to enhance circular economy in the critical minerals sector. In this respect, the importance of establishing an International Minerals Agency or an International Agreement to share data on economic geology and mineral demands; and promote transparency in assessment of the impacts of critical mineral use were also highlighted.

The communique supported green public procurement for public goods to strengthen effective demand for green products; and called upon the G20 countries to establish a Tech20 Engagement Group to facilitate technology cooperation, co-development and transfers, and Intellectual Property (IP) reforms. In addition, the communique also addressed the need to expedite action to implement Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol and strengthen G20 collaboration by developing ambitious, regionally harmonized energy efficiency standards for cooling equipment through formulation of national cooling action plans.

T20 Communique: Recommendations on Accelerating Finance for Green Development

The T20 communique on accelerating finance for green development shared that the G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors (FMCBGs) must articulate a mission for development finance that is geared towards low-carbon, climate-resilient, and socially inclusive growth and development. It also called upon the G20 Sustainable Finance Working Group to prepare an annual Green Finance report tracking clean energy investments.

Further, the communique supported the establishment of a Green Development and Investment Accelerator (GDIA) to streamline the flow of bankable clean energy projects, and serve as a global institution to support de-risking initiatives, scale best practices and convene trilateral processes among government, industry, and financiers to identify key capital flow challenges. Further, the G20 FMCBGs should work with Multi-lateral Development Banks (MDBs) and Development Finance Institutions (DFIs) to scale up innovative instruments for SDG financing such as SDG Bonds and tradable SDG credits.

G20 Energy Transitions Ministers Outcome Summary

The outcome document of the G20 Energy Transitions Ministers’ meeting held in July in Goa, stressed the importance of energy security and diversifying supply chains. The outcome acknowledged the importance of critical minerals, materials and technologies for enabling energy transition. Support for promoting circularity and enabling sustainable alternatives to maintain supply chain of materials was also emphasised.

The outcome document recognised the role of regional / cross-border power systems integration, grid interconnections and resilient energy infrastructure in scaling up zero and low emission technologies including renewables. The document also acknowledged role of energy efficiency as the “first fuel” in enabling energy transitions, and reiterated the significance of accelerating the pace and scale of commercial deployment of mature clean energy technologies including pumped storage, bioenergy, heat pumps, CCUS and nuclear technologies, as well as new and other critical technologies such as direct air capture (DAC), high efficiency fuel cells, bioenergy with carbon capture and storage (BECCS). Focus was also emphasised on fuels for future including biofuels, and the initiative to establish a Green Hydrogen Innovation Centre steered by ISA was also highlighted upon.

Past Events

Launch of Shell – TERI Report on Transforming to a net zero emissions energy system

TERI in partnership with Shell Group of Companies, India launched the report, ‘India Transforming to a net-zero emissions energy system: A call to action to 2030’. The report examines 4 decarbonisation pathways to identify key focus areas that can help India decarbonise the energy system. Steps initiated between now and 2030 can help India meet its net zero goal, and the report explores a series of actions required across power, industry, transportation, agriculture and buildings sectors.

First Movers Coalition In-Country Workshop

The First Movers Coalition, an initiative of the World Economic Forum, organised an in-country workshop in Delhi. The three-day event convened policy makers and industry leaders to deliberate the status of decarbonisation technologies across three industrial sectors – cement & concrete, sustainable aviation fuel, and steel. The workshop witnessed discussions on accelerating supply of low-carbon products and simultaneously accelerating demand for green products via favourable public procurement policies.

Further, the workshop also discussed the financial measures and supportive policies needed to enable decarbonisation of heavy industries. The recommendations that emerged out of the workshop were developed into a whitepaper, and can be found on the link below.

India - Japan DeepTech Innovation and Clean Energy Seminar

TERI co-hosted the India - Japan DeepTech Innovation and Clean Energy Seminar in Delhi. Panel discussion on green hydrogen highlighted areas of cooperation available across the green hydrogen value chain, including transportation and storage; while discussions on clean mobility focused on understanding the utility needs and geographical landscape to select zero emission vehicles.

Mr. Yashutoshi Nishimura, Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), Japan highlighted a three pillared approach to enhance India- Japan relations centred around cooperation in clean energy, digitalisation and healthcare; deepening industrial ties; and collaborating to implement projects in other countries. Shri Suman Bery, Vice Chairperson, Niti Aayog, underscored the importance of integrating MSMEs of the two countries.


In Spotlight

Watch TERI CBS Executive Committee members share their insights on how TERI Council for Business Sustainability (TERI CBS) plays an instrumental role in developing a two way communication between the industry, government and the academia by helping shape policies and sharing best practices on sustainability.


Research & Publications

A G20 coalition on Emerging Technologies for a Zero-Carbon, Climate Resilient Future

Development of clean technologies can play a crucial role in decarbonising industries. To accelerate this process, the policy brief suggests creation of a G20 coalition on emerging technologies highlighting principles of gradual harmonisation of standards, institutional reforms, sustained and transparent research, development and demonstration, and building trust in green energy sector to enable faster maturity of emerging technologies market.

Fast Tracking Road Decarbonisation through a new 'International Sustainable Transport Alliance'

Sustainable and clean mobility can help reduce carbon emissions and expand the scope of public transportation. This policy brief highlights the need for the creation of a new alliance on sustainable transport that can enable faster policy-making, unlock blended finance and direct investments to clean projects, and emerge as a platform for assessing economic opportunities and identifying best practices.

Accelerating Biodiesel Blending in India

As an alternative fuel, biodiesel presents the Indian government with an opportunity to enhance energy security, and reduce import of fossil fuels. Given that biodiesel blending continues to remain a challenge due to lack of integrated supply chain, and high feedstock prices, the policy brief suggests a set of recommendations focusing on assessment of available land, lowering feedstock prices and government support can help realise the goal of 5% blending target by 2030.


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