Mainstreaming Sustainability in Business Planning and Practices


December 2023 Newsletter



Dear Industry Colleague,

The scale of transformation that the energy transitions entail for the countries in Global South are very ambitious and would entail a path that has never been followed by other countries. This was the key message that stood out from an array of convenings hosted by TERI at COP28. Indian business leaders from amongst the Council’s network, along with our global partners, were at COP28 to amplify the need for a predictable policy discourse and highlight key solutions and practices that will accelerate decarbonization of Indian industries. The COP28 Presidency delivered a final cover decision that includes language on the need to transition away from fossil fuels for the first time in a UN text.

The first Global Stocktake (GST) unveiled by the COP28 Presidency provided a comprehensive assessment of progress since the adoption of the Paris Agreement. This will help align the efforts on climate action, including measures that need to be put in place to bridge the gaps. The Action Agenda of COP28, the non-negotiated track, witnessed record number of participation of industries from across the globe. The major ones included the Oil & Gas Decarbonization Charter, the Industrial Transition Accelerator, the Action Agenda on Regenerative Landscapes, and the UAE pledge of $30 billion to a new private investment vehicle Alterra.

Jointly developed with Shell, our report titled “India Transforming To A Net-Zero Emissions Energy System - A call to action to 2030” shall provide you with key messages of how clean energy will look like in the decades to come. Technical proposals on why storage of electricity is necessary for meeting demand round the clock and the details of range of possible mitigation strategies for Net Zero steel sector are available, alongside the actions undertaken by the signatory companies of the Industry Charter for Near-Zero Emissions Ambition by 2050, instituted by TERI.

Our Council for Business Sustainability serves as the interface for our research work to be connected to the corporate world and enables two-way engagement. TERI CBS engages with the core issue of what businesses must do to shape and lead in sustainability. Your suggestions and feedback remain a constant source of inspiration for us.

We hope that the newsletter provides a good and insightful reading for you.

Mr. Arupendra Nath Mullick, Vice President - TERI CBS


New Member

Dalmia Cement (Bharat) Limited follows the philosophy “clean and green is profitable and sustainable”. In alignment with this philosophy, Dalmia Cement has committed to becoming carbon negative by 2040. Some key measures implemented by the organisation as part of its commitment include increasing renewable energy, improving utilisation of alternate raw materials and accelerating fuel switching.

Against this backdrop, Dalmia Cement and the TERI Council for Business Sustainability (TERI CBS) have come together to leverage capabilities on energy transition,  promote sustainability agenda, and contribute to India’s net zero commitment.

"Profitability and sustainability can go hand in hand, ... we need to explore the possibility of making captured CO2 viable, replace thermal with renewable energy and replace fossil fuel with non-fossil/biofuel to reduce the carbon footprint"

- Mr. Mahendra Singhi [MD & CEO, Dalmia Cement (Bharat) Limited] [at TERI COP28 Panel Discussion with the IPCC Chair and Indian Industry Leaders]



Important Reads

At COP28, Much Talk but Incremental Gains

COP28 will be remembered for the agility of the UAE Presidency to operationalize the Loss and Damage fund, opines Mr. R R Rashmi, Distinguished Fellow, TERI in his opinion piece on the outcomes of COP28.


The COP at Sharm-el-Sheikh, last year, had set up the L&D fund after much protracted negotiations with the funding issue, however, continuing to remain unresolved. Thus, the speed of the UAE Presidency in making an agreement to channel finances to the fund is commendable. Yet, with contributions of over $745 million, the L&D Fund, fails to mention the quantum, scale and the source of funding required. Other agenda items relating to the development of a global framework on adaptation and the global stocktake (GST), too, remained unaddressed at COP28.

More than 120 countries committed to the global goal of tripling renewable energy capacity and doubling the global average annual rate of energy efficiency to more than 4% by 2030. The key to resolving issues around mitigation and adaptation, however, continues to be dependent on arranging the requisite finance.

India's Race to a Green Hydrogen Future

Implementing the Green Hydrogen Policy of the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE), requires a whole-of-government approach, shares Mr. Ajay Shankar, Distinguished Fellow, TERI, on India’s plan to transition to a green hydrogen economy.

Financial incentives have been announced for the production of green hydrogen and manufacturing of electrolysers at the Central level, with ministries such as Steel, Road Transport, Posts, Shipping and Waterways allocating funds for initiating projects and undertaking R&D in the sector. At the state level, policies are incentivising the production of green hydrogen. It is, however, important to reduce costs across the full supply chain of green hydrogen. Equally important is the need to generate the demand for green hydrogen.

States like Maharashtra are providing subsidy for blending of green hydrogen into gas and hydrogen fuel cell passenger vehicles. With green hydrogen envisaged to produce green ammonia that can be utilised across shipping, electricity and fertiliser sector, successful implementation of a green hydrogen economy can help the country become a carbon net-zero economy.

Heat on UAE to Give COP28 Ambitious Edge We Need

As the host of COP28, UAE has to deal with key issues that plague international climate change negotiations: i) build consensus on Global Goal on Adaptation; ii) operationalize the Loss and Damage fund; iii) forge agreement on the Global Stocktake (GST); iv) advance Climate Finance commitments beyond 2025. Further, the UAE Presidency has to ensure that talks progress beyond the existing $100 billion pledge.

The first synthesis report of the GST technical dialogue highlights that current global emissions do not meet the mitigation pathways needed to achieve the temperature goal of 20 celsius of the Paris Agreement. Given this context, the UAE presidency will need to assure the world of its willingness to put its weight behind policies that advance climate finance and technologies that advance clean energy.

Past Events: TERI @ COP28

Convening of Business Leaders on Transformative Actions on Climate Leadership, 03 December

TERI and BCG India convened a roundtable discussion on transformative leadership for climate actions. Panel members, comprising of global thought and business leaders, stressed the importance of international cooperation, and shared that evaluation of investment portfolios by capital markets and private equity players based on ESG parameters reflected the value of collective action.

For developing countries to meet their growing energy demands, it is imperative to utilize renewable energy while simultaneously investing in skilling and R&D to ensure just and inclusive energy transitions.

Panel Discussion with IPCC Chair and Indian Industry Leaders, 04 December

TERI organized a panel discussion with Professor Jim Skea, chair of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and leading Indian business leaders. Professor Skea shared insights from IPCC’s Sixth Assessment Report and its implications for India, with discussions revolving around India leveraging innovative technologies to achieve long-term climate commitments.

The event saw the launch of ‘Practices and Solutions: Accelerating Indian Industry Decarbonisation’, a compilation of case studies of signatory companies to the Industry Charter for Near Zero Emissions, highlighting successful integration and pilots of green technologies by leading Indian businesses.

Read more here

UNFCCC Side-Event on Solutions for Market Transformation of Sustainable Cooling, 04 December

TERI in association with the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) and NEDO (New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organisation) organised a session to discuss solutions that help address the complexities of climate change focusing on heating and cooling challenges prevalent in emerging economies.

Panellists discussed how the future of cooling will be shaped by innovations, procurement policies and behavioural change. Further, current cooling solutions need to become more affordable for them to become inclusive.

High-Level Convening on Market Instruments to Achieve Industry Decarbonisation at Marrakech Partnership Pavilion, 05 December

TERI with Climate Catalyst and Mission Possible Partnership organized a session on Green Market Instruments for Industry Decarbonisation. Focusing on the steel industry of emerging economies, leaders shared their perspectives on the demand and supply side instruments that can help produce low-carbon steel.

A practical implementation of low-carbon steel market is dependent on several actions being undertaken simultaneously such as ensuring bankability of projects; government procurement of green steel; risk absorption; contract standardization, and willingness to pay green premium.

High-Level Convening on the Global South and its Climate Goals Achievements, 09 December

TERI jointly with DNV organised a convening on the Global South and its Climate Goals. Panellists suggested specific actions for the global South such as electrification of industrial processes and strengthening supply chains across the biomass and hydrogen sectors.

Discussions reflected on the criticality of the SMEs in helping meet decarbonisation targets, and reiterated the importance of platforms such as the Asia Zero Carbon Society and Asia Europe Environment Forum in accelerating multistakeholder cooperation for climate actions in the global South.


In Spotlight

Watch TERI CBS Executive Committee members share their insights on how TERI Council for Business Sustainability (TERI CBS) plays an instrumental role in developing a two way communication between the industry, government and the academia by helping shape policies and sharing best practices on sustainability.


Research & Publications

Strategies to Increase Railways Share in Freight Transportation

TERI has undertaken research to understand the constraints faced by railways, and help improve freight management systems for the Indian railways to help their target of increasing their share to 45% in freight movement by 2030. 

Studies have been undertaken to augment policies which help optimise terminal development and operations, improve freight marketing and increase freight tariff.

Operationalisation of the Loss and Damage Fund: Challenges and Opportunities

The Loss and Damage fund ensures that developing countries have financial assistance to resist the adverse impacts of climate change; challenges, however, persist to make the fund effective. This issue brief of TERI examines governance, financial and scientific considerations for more effective functioning of the fund. It also examines how India can leverage the fund to put pressure on developed countries to meet their financial obligations and provide timely finance for loss and damage.

Low Carbon Pathways for Madhya Pradesh

Development of low-carbon pathways at state levels are recognised as the building blocks of contributing to national-level low carbon pathways. This study undertaken for the Energy Department, Government of Madhya Pradesh answers key questions relating to least-cost investment in new-generation capacity and meeting anticipated demand with least cost dispatch of generation in the short (2025) and medium (2030) term.


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