Dear Reader,
As the year the global community learned to get on with life comes to an end, the final TERI newsletter for 2022 encapsulates the milestones of an action-packed month at the organization when it hosted the GRIHA Summit, signed MoUs and brought out discussion papers on decarbonising the transport sector.
  TERI Year Ender 2022
  In Spotlight
GRIHA Summit

GRIHA Council hosted its 14th annual GRIHA Summit on the theme ‘Towards Net Positive Habitats’ on December 15-16. Issues related to the building sector and other allied sectors such as mobility, urban services, electricity services, and waste management on a net-zero emissions pathway were the prime topics of discussion.

  Reports and Publications
NTDC Discussion Papers

As the Secretariat of the National Transport Decarbonization Council, TERI developed three discussion papers after rigorous consultation with diverse stakeholders engaged in India’s transport sector to come up with strategies and policy interventions aimed at decarbonising the country’s transport sector through significant emission reduction.

Vehicle Scrappage Policy

Emission Reduction and Efficiency Improvement
Biodiesel as Fuel

A Tradition in Transition: Understanding the Role of Shifting Cultivation for Sustainable Development of Northeast India

A new book brought out by TERI, looks at shifting cultivation as not merely an alternative method of farming, but a form of landscape management that has evolved over centuries of experimentation. The book provides information and insights on the role of a traditional agricultural practice such as shifting cultivation can play in the move towards a sustainable world.

  In the News
The GM mustard debate

In The Indian Express, while noting that nothing is ‘risk-free’, Dr Vibha Dhawan, Director General, TERI, says debates around GM mustard have been ‘an endless cycle’ though available scientific evidence suggests GM crops are safe for consumption.

In new role as G-20 chair, India set to focus on climate

Speaking to Associated Press on G20 India and Mission LiFE, Mr RR Rashmi, Distinguished Fellow, TERI, noted that LiFE “may get some prominence” at the G20, which would be a success for the Indian government.

The plastic dilemma: Ban vs pause, what works better

In The Economic Times's podcast, The Morning Brief, Dr Suneel Pandey, Director, Environment and Waste Management division, TERI, highlights the recyclability challenges of single-use plastics and the need for viable and accessible alternatives.

COP15: Starting today 195 countries will discuss ways to protect biodiversity
Talking to Jagran News on UN Biodiversity Conference (COP15) Dr JV Sharma, Senior Director, TERI, noted that the conference plays a vital role in spreading awareness about biodiversity and conservation of natural resources, especially in developing countries.

National Webinar on Green Budgeting

TERI organised a National Webinar on Green Budgeting on December 28. Led by experts from TERI and ADRI, the webinar helped raise awareness on the concept and method of green budgeting among key stakeholders including governments, researchers, and civil society organisations.

TERI’s outreach on ‘Challenges and Opportunities from COP27: Experts sum up key takeaways’

TERI along with Bloomberg Philanthropies, organized a session on session on ‘COP27 Outcomes: From the perspective of Policy, Research and Business’ on December 13. The session discussed how India views the outcomes of COP27 and what can and should be expected from different actors in light of India’s Long-Term Low-carbon Emission Development Strategy (LT-LEDS).

Experts emphasize the need to institutionalize green budgeting at workshop held in Puducherry

The Department of Science, Technology, and Environment, Government of Puducherry, the Finance Department, Govt of Puducherry, and TERI organized a workshop to orient state officials on Green Budgeting on December 9.

Frost & Sullivan and TERI’s Sustainability 4.0 Awards 2022

TERI along with Frost & Sullivan organized the Sustainability 4.0 Awards 2022 that work towards enabling businesses take more logical and sustainable decisions to ensure long-term stakeholder value. The awards highlight the linkages between an organisation’s strategy, governance and financial performance, and the social, environmental and economic context it operates in.

TERI signs MoU with Assam Agricultural University

TERI and Assam Agricultural University (AAU) signed an MoU to collaborate on projects to improve life in the Northeastern region develop the agriculture sector and reduce carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gasses. The MoU was signed by Dr Dipankar Saharia, Senior Director, TERI, and Dr Ashok Bhattacharyya, Director, Research, AAU, in the presence of Dr Vibha Dhawan, Director General, TERI, and Dr Bidyut Chandan Deka, Vice Chancellor, AAU.

Call for Applications - Clean Air Project

TERI is seeking applications for the Clean Air Action project from students in grades 9-12, teachers, and schools in the cities of Lucknow, Kanpur, Nashik, and Pune. The project will comprise a set of activities implemented by schools to improve the air quality in their surroundings. Students and teachers will be designing and implementing these projects around their schools to change students’/community behaviour towards their immediate environment.

  Upcoming Events
Building a Resilient Decarbonized Society in India through Environmental Infrastructure and Technology

January 12-13, 2023 | The Imperial, New Delhi
World Sustainable Development Summit 2023

February 22-24, 2023 | India Habitat Centre, New Delhi
Copyright @ 2022 TERI
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New Delhi - 110 003, INDIA
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