November 2020:
News,Views and Updates from TERI


In the November issue of our newsletter, see TERI’s statement on Joe Biden’s election win, insights on climate politics from US, EU and China, and our study on airshed management to solve the air pollution crisis in the Delhi National Capital Region.
  The US needs to quickly catch up and demonstrate its climate leadership: Dr Ajay Mathur
Congratulating US President-Elect Joe Biden and Vice President-Elect Kamala Harris, Dr Ajay Mathur, Director General, TERI said the US should demonstrate climate leadership through action, not just words.
  Climate future for the next 20 years will be driven by what Asia does
A discussion on global climate politics in light of the results of the US elections, and recent developments in EU, China and India.
  India must not let global pressure force it off growth path
India must focus on its domestic developmental prerogative and disengage them from the pressures that come along with international negotiations.
  Airshed management can solve Delhi NCR's 'severe' air pollution woes
Air pollution does not follow administrative boundaries, and needs to be tackled in ‘airsheds’ where it is caused. Air Quality Management Districts, which bring together coordinated actions at a regional level, are key to solving the problem.
  A behavioural study in the Indian cooling sector
India’s growing demand for cooling will result in increased use of refrigerants and energy use. Our perception study identifies levers for policy intervention opportunities to push sustainable cooling.
  Read more insights from TERI
  Upcoming Events
  WSDS 2021: COP26 Webinar Series in partnership with the British High Commission
1-4 December, 2020
Stay tuned for a week of high-level virtual events on Clean Transport, Green Finance, Nature-based Solutions, and Adaptation and Resilience.
  Women on the Rise: Redefining Our Common Future in partnership with USAID
9 December, 2020
A discussion on the role of women in reviving the global economy while also addressing climate priorities for a sustainable future
  The 12th GRIHA Summit - Rejuvenating Resilient Habitats
15-16 December, 2020
  Green Hydrogen in partnership with ETC
December 16, 2020
  From our Hindi Desk

  From our YouTube channel, a new video story on the impacts of climate change in the Himalayan region. Made by storytellers from the region - their first attempt at producing multimedia content on climate change under a TERI-Earth Journalism Network Media Fellowship programme.
  That’s it for now. See you next time.

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