Mainstreaming Sustainability in Business
Planning & Practices
Newsletter | April 2020
  TERI Views
Editorial by Arupendra Nath Mullick, Vice President - TERI CBS
The nature and extent of the all-round impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic is yet to be seen. However, it is clear that the world shall need to be better and effectively equipped now more than ever to address any socio-economic, environmental and health crisis of such scale and magnitude. India shall have to come back stronger to embrace cleaner sustainable strategies and solutions. To prevent the workplace exposure to COVID-19, our Building Fitness Indicator has consciously been formulated as a tool and not a rating/ certification

We have witnessed active participation and support from companies in our Council’s network in our discussions on India’s mid-century climate change strategy and at our meeting with Chief Sustainability Officers. An array of knowledge resources remains available for you on our website, including recordings of Thought Leadership webinars, reports and video messages of our Future Unfolded series
Our Council for Business Sustainability serves as the interface for our research work to be connected to the corporate world and enables two-way engagement. TERI CBS engages with the core issue of what businesses must do to shape and lead in sustainability. Your suggestions and feedback remain a constant source of inspiration for us.
We hope that the newsletter provides a good and insightful reading for you.
Blog by Mr. Manoj Kumar Singh
The Changing Role of Chief Sustainability Officers
Indus Towers has adopted various measures to set an example in making the telecom business more environmentally sustainable, writes its chief sustainability officer
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  Post event report of the TERI CBS: Chief Sustainability Officers Forum, 5th March 2020

The 7th edition of the Chief Sustainability Officers' (CSO) Forum delved into the emerging trends and global developments in sustainability and how these trends and developments are shaping the sustainability strategies of businesses world-over.
The day-long programme comprised a mix of sessions providing insights on the emerging challenges and opportunities in the context of energy transition and decarbonization roadmap for the companies; and how by aligning the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with the core business objectives can be a robust strategy for reaping maximum benefits.
The sessions delved into some of the tools, practices, methodologies and platforms for increasing renewable energy mix by leveraging the rooftops of C&I sector.
Click here for event summary and session presentations
  Seeking inputs: TERI paper on SDGs-linked greening of India's economic recovery
In light of the COVID-19 situation and resulting economic implications, the Government of India is expected to continue dialogue with development agencies and industry on matters for stimulating the economy, support strong growth recovery, and to build resilience to future shocks.

This brief questionnaire seeks to solicit inputs for a paper by TERI on making the recovery package for India more aligned to the sustainable development goals and environmental aspects of development.

Please provide inputs for greening economic recovery for the sector of your expertise. Kindly provide your responses latest by 6th May (Wednesday) 2020.

Please click here for the questionnaire

  Building Fitness Indicator (BFI) GRIHA
The BFI tool is GRIHA’s new initiative to check your building/organization’s preparedness against the COVID-19 pandemic. The tool comprises of guidelines issued by various national and international bodies which will help you gauge your preparedness for fighting COVID-19 as an organization.

For detailed analysis, custom recommendations, and reference links for all the guidelines, please visit:

  Around the World in Sustainable Development
As cities wake up to cleaner air, pollution statistics become clearer
With millions of vehicles that spew dust and grime off road and industries closed, air pollution levels have plunged. Post lockdown, Delhi has seen a 51% reduction in PM2.5 and 49% reduction in PM10, shows data from SAFAR.
Measures for a swift economic recovery
Market sentiment is down. Unless government steps in to generate demand rapidly in the post lockdown period, the economic recovery is likely to be feeble.
Can our waste management systems handle the covid-19 pandemic?
With access to only 198 Common Bio-Medical Waste Treatment Facilities (CBMWTFs) and 225 captive incinerators, can India’s healthcare facilities handle the rise in waste quantities anticipated from the covid-19 outbreak?

A holistic strategy is required to deal with Covid-19
The global economic recession precipitated by the Covid-19 pandemic is unprecedented in its severity. It is far worse than the downturn at the time of the global financial crisis.
Effects of COVID-19 on Transportation Demand
Transportation sector has been one of the primary victims of COVID-19. From rickshaw pullers to airlines, all have been affected economically by the pandemic. India's overall energy demand fell by 11% in March 2020.
What can the Coronavirus response teach us about dealing with climate change?
Experience from this pandemic leads one to believe that global threats of this scale and magnitude can be addressed if actions to be taken are mounted early and coordinated internationally. Is there scope for similar actions in case of climate-related adversities and devastations that qualify as equally serious global problems?
  Special Feature
India’s Energy Outlook – Columbia Energy Exchange podcast with Dr. Ajay Mathur, DG - TERI
India has laid out an ambitious agenda to expand energy access to all its people, reduce air pollution, increase energy security, and reduce carbon emissions intensity. It has made tremendous progress providing access to electricity and clean cooking to its people. It rapidly increased the deployment of renewables even as coal still supplies two thirds of its electricity mix. The country’s oil consumption is expected to grow faster than any other major economy, as are its CO2 emissions. In short, with a population of 1.4 billion people, and rapidly rising energy demand, India will be a key country, perhaps the key country, for energy markets and climate change in the decades to come.
  TERI Video Bytes
TERI Council for Business Sustainability’s ‘Future Unfolded’ series addresses a variety of critical issues– ranging from low carbon pathways to circular economy- within the sphere of sustainable development. It showcases ideas, insights and essential commentary from some of the premier thought leaders, academics and industry champions of today.
  Opportunities and platforms for decarbonisation of transport sector:
Mr Anthony Eggert, Director, Transportation, ClimateWorks Foundation, highlights various platforms such as EV100 for corporates to act on decarbonising transport and how India has all the necessary ingredients for successfully decarbonizing its transport sector.
  Reports, Policy Briefs and Publications:
  Carbon footprint of urban public transport systems in Indian cities
The aim of the paper is to determine life cycle environment impacts of public transport projects occurring during all the three phases i.e. construction, operations and maintenance phases of these projects. The paper aims to validate that these impacts are important and need to be compared to make an informed decision about providing most environment friendly public transport system to the people.
For full report click here
  Mineral auctions in India: Winner's curse or owner's pride?
The Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Act (MMDR Act), 1957 was amended in 2015 (and Rules were notified thereunder) with the intention of removing discretion and introducing more transparency in the allocation process of mineral concessions. The Act as amended provides that mineral concessions will be granted only on the basis of bidding at an auction, for the prospecting stage or mining stage as the case may be. Mining leases shall be granted for a non-renewable period of 50 years.
For full report click here
  Emissions control in thermal power stations: Issues, challenges, and the way forward
Coordinated and concerted efforts are required for meeting the timelines for control of all the pollutants in all the power stations, more importantly in the state and private sector plants, which are lagging behind considerably. This discussion paper brings out the overview of new environmental norms, the present status of their implementation, issues, challenges, and the way forward.
For full report click here
  Emerging role of bike (motorcycle) taxis in urban mobility
Bike taxis can take different forms in every city based on the different mobility needs and the local conditions present. Thus, this publication intends to capture international case studies and based on the review analyse the role of bike taxis in India. The publication also depicts some myth-busting primary survey-based findings of the bike taxis usage in India. The findings highlight the qualitative comparison of the state-level policy intervention and suggest a regulatory framework for the bike taxis in India.
For full report click here