Mainstreaming Sustainability in Business
Planning & Practices
Newsletter | February 2020
  TERI Views
Editorial by Arupendra Nath Mullick, Vice President - TERI CBS
Discussions during one of our recent Thought Leadership webinar on COP25 Debriefing revealed that there is a bigger spotlight on India Inc. Considering India being designated a joint convenor of the Industry Transition Track leadership group of the United Nations, the topic of industry transitions finds articulate resonance with the Indian industry. Mr Rajiv Mishra, Managing Director, CLP Power India Pvt Ltd and member of our Council’s Executive Committee, through one of our Future Unfolded video series, reiterated the steps are required to facilitate implementation of renewable energy in India. Shifting heavy industry sectors away from fossil fuels and towards cleaner sources forms an important part of TERI’s Energy Transition Commission work in India. One such output is TERI's consultation report 'Towards a Low Carbon Steel Sector' that was released on 30th January 2020 by Shri Dharmendra Pradhan, Hon'ble Union Minister of Steel, Petroleum and Natural Gas, Government of India.

Active participation and support from companies in our Council’s network remain a constant source of inspiration for us. Through an array of reports launched during the 2020 edition of TERI’s World Sustainable Development Summit, we are reaching you. Likewise through the 11th edition of the Sustainability 4.0 Awards we continue to engage a varied set of companies across the country’s geography.

Our Council for Business Sustainability serves as the interface for our research work to be connected to the corporate world and enables two-way engagement. TERI CBS engages with the core issue of what businesses must do to shape and lead in sustainability. Activities of the Council are governed by an Executive Committee - comprising CEOs from amongst the member companies. To access the array of recorded webinar sessions, articles, blogs and half-yearly report on our activities in FY 19-20, please visit our website

We hope that the newsletter provides a good and insightful reading for you. And we look forward to your suggestions and opinions.
Blog by Ms. Shalini Singh, Chief Corporate Communications & Sustainability, Tata Power
The Changing Role of Chief Sustainability Officers
Over the last few years, sustainability has shifted from boardrooms to grassroots and its effectiveness will determine the future quality of our lives. The understanding of this change is at the very core of the role of anyone working on sustainability.
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  Upcoming Event highlights
March | Gurugram
  TERI CBS: Chief Sustainability Officers Forum
Venue: TERI Retreat, Gual Pahari, Gurugram
Tentative Agenda
Contact: Mr. Pankaj Kalyani , Email: for more details
June | Mumbai
  India Sustainability Leadership Summit 2020
Venue: Hyatt Regency, Mumbai
contact: Ms. Pooja Kumar, Email: for more details
  Around the World in Sustainable Development
Benefits outweigh costs needed for addressing air pollution in India: TERI
Growth in the IT and communication sectors has enhanced the usage of the electronic equipment exponentially. Faster upgradation of electronic product is forcing consumers to discard old electronic products very quickly, which, in turn, adds to e-waste to the solid waste stream. The growing problem of e-waste calls for greater emphasis on recycling e-waste and better e-waste management.
Sustainable Building Materials: Accelerating the journey towards low carbon development
Over the next 20 years, more than half of new buildings expected to be built by 2060 will be constructed. To achieve the ambition of keeping the global warming to 2°C or below, it is necessary to address energy and emissions from buildings. It is imperative to deploy energy-efficient and low-carbon building technologies to meet the growing demand for energy services.
Can cleaner air reduce respiratory illnesses?
The researchers at TERI, NCSU, AIIMS, Safdarjung Hospital and Vardhman Mahavir College, and DST, have developed a prototype tool to understand the relationship between clinic visits for respiratory illness with an increase in PM2.5 concentration.
The data was sourced from Government departments to assess this association. The data included daily visits at Mohalla Clinics, daily air pollution concentrations and meteorology parameters for Delhi.
A family in Varanasi is turning garbage to gold
In an era where only a few want to treat waste in their backyard, Kuldeep Choudhary’s family developed it into an amusing custom at Varanasi. The waste generated in the kitchen of their house like fruit and vegetable peels, leftover food, tea leaves, garden trimmings, etc. doesn’t add load to their waste bin anymore. They simply manage their wet waste at home by recovering nutrients and creating black gold called manure.
TERI develops blockchain-enabled prototype to help you sell solar power — through your phone
The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) has recently developed a platform to facilitate peer-to-peer transactions of solar energy among consumers in the same neighbourhood. The platform has been developed as a prototype for enabling a peer-to-peer transactional control in which electricity consumers such as residential premises, malls, schools, or even small and medium enterprises can trade local power generation from rooftop solar plants among themselves.
  TERI Video Bytes
TERI Council for Business Sustainability’s ‘Future Unfolded’ series addresses a variety of critical issues– ranging from low carbon pathways to circular economy- within the sphere of sustainable development. It showcases ideas, insights and essential commentary from some of the premier thought leaders, academics and industry champions of today.
  Energy Transitions in the Indian Landscape:
Mr Rajiv Ranjan Mishra, Managing Director- India, CLP India Private Ltd. and Member, TERI CBS Executive Committee provides insight on energy transitions in the Indian context and what steps are required to facilitate implementation of renewable energy in India.
  Accelerating low-carbon mobility solutions in India
Mr Roland Hwang, Managing Director, Climate and Clean Energy Program, NRDC talks about global mobility solutions, how electrification of the transport sector is critical and how India should focus on accelerating low-carbon mobility.
  Decarbonisation of iron and steel sectors
According to TERI's new report, titled 'Towards a Low Carbon Steel Sector: Overview of the Changing Market, Technology, and Policy Context for Indian Steel', carbon dioxide emissions from India's steel sector could increase up to 837 million tonnes (Mt) by 2050 if steel demand continues to grow, having serious implications for the environment through its contribution to climate change.
TERI suggests that it is possible to put the steel sector on a pathway to reduce emissions to near zero levels soon after 2050, making India the first country to industrialise while decarbonising its steel production. d NOx emissions from the sector by 2025.
  Aligning India's Sanitation Policies with the SDGs
This Discussion paper dwells on the policies, programs of the 'Sanitation' subsector and explores current Government policies in India for the linkages with ‘Sanitation’ component of the SDG 6 as well as their implications for the other SDGs. This paper includes both the ‘Rural’ and ‘Urban’ sanitation sectors in India and has drawn out important lessons for the sanitation sector to sustain open-defecation free (ODF) status and achieve holistic sanitation and better health and quality of life (QoL) outcomes.
  Clean fuel for cooking: Solution to achieve better air quality
The discussion paper 'Clean Fuel for Cooking: Solution to Achieve Better Air Quality' aims to analyse and estimate the financial support that may be required to encourage Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana (PMUY) consumers to switch to LPG for cooking their major meals, over and above the existing subsidy and other financial incentives, as well as to identify a suitable financing strategy to support the uptake of refills without impacting the fiscal deficit of the central government.
  Accelerating the uptake of energy-efficient air conditioners in India
The energy demand for HVAC in India has been increasing continuously over the past years and is projected to grow even more as per ICAP. This policy brief assesses the issues associated with relatively low share of 5-star ACs in the total annual production and gives a detailed outline of various options to increase the market share for the energy-efficient 5-star room ACs in India. The comparative analysis of the options discussed in the policy brief is done by taking into account the factors such as cost, efficiency, political acceptability, net benefit and extent of uncertainty.