Mainstreaming Sustainability in Business Planning and Practices


November 2023 Newsletter



Dear Industry Colleague,

Today marks the beginning of United Nations annual convening on climate change in Dubai. COP28 UAE will be a milestone moment when the world will take stock of its progress on the Paris Agreement. The first Global Stocktake (GST) will provide a comprehensive assessment of progress since adopting the Paris Agreement. This will help align the efforts on climate action, including measures that need to be put in place to bridge the gaps in progress. Developing nations are seeking compensation for the impacts of climate change at the upcoming COP28 talks.

Direct CO2 emissions from industry are around 9 Gt of CO2 per year, or about one quarter of total CO2 emissions from the global energy system. Advanced economies account for around 20% and emerging market and developing economies for around 80%, although complex global supply chains for the production of materials and manufacturing mean that advanced economies generally consume far more finished goods than they produce. Heavy industry sectors – steel, cement and chemicals – account for around 6 Gt (or around 70% of industrial emissions). Production is highly concentrated in emerging market and developing economies, which account for 70‐90% of the combined output of these commodities. Hence, the voice of Indian industries will be significant in these climate talks.

Indian business leaders from amongst the Council’s network, along with our global partners, will be at COP28 to amplify the needs for predictable policy discourse and highlight key solutions and practices that will accelerate decarbonization of Indian industries. We look forward to your active engagement at COP 28. We shall follow-up with a COP28 debriefing session, to delve into the key implications and opportunities for Indian manufacturing and services sectors, including the MSMEs. We are sure that these deliberations shall provide stronger and deeper foundation for the climate negotiator and scientific communities.

Jointly developed with Shell, our report titled “India Transforming To A Net-Zero Emissions Energy System - A call to action to 2030” shall provide you with key messages of how clean energy will look like in the decades to come. Technical proposals on why storage of electricity is necessary for meeting demand round the clock and the details of range of possible mitigation strategies for Net Zero steel sector are available, alongside the actions undertaken by the signatory companies of the Industry Charter for Near-Zero Emissions Ambition by 2050, instituted by TERI.

Our Council for Business Sustainability serves as the interface for our research work to be connected to the corporate world and enables two-way engagement. TERI CBS engages with the core issue of what businesses must do to shape and lead in sustainability. Your suggestions and feedback remain a constant source of inspiration for us.

We hope that the newsletter provides a good and insightful reading for you.

Mr. Arupendra Nath Mullick, Vice President - TERI CBS


New Member

GAIL (India) Ltd is one of India’s leading natural gas companies commanding a~70% market share of gas transmission and ~50% gas trading share. Recognizing that transitioning to green energy is key to tackling the global energy and climate crisis, and building sustainable economies, the company is diversifying its business beyond the value chain of natural gas to include renewables such as wind, solar and biofuels

GAIL has joined hands with the TERI Council for Business Sustainability (TERI CBS) to leverage their capabilities on energy to together promote the agenda of sustainable development and contribute to India’s climate actions and its net-zero commitment.

"We are a member of a number of respected industry organizations and associations, which provide a forum for discussing industry issues and bringing industry voices to the attention of the government in order for it to develop more inclusive policies and reforms. In FY 2022-23, GAIL was a member of TERI Council for Business Sustainability (CBS) and 20 other national and international institutions

Toward Net Zero [GAIL (India) Ltd Sustainability Report 2022-23]



Important Reads

Freight Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Calculator

Transportation is key to the economic development of a country. However, the sector is equally important from climate change perspective, given its significant contribution to  GHG emissions. As per a 2020 estimate, 40% of the final energy use in Indian transport sector was contributed by freight transport.

Given the importance of planning GHG reductions in the transportation sector, TERI with support from GIZ, India and the Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT), Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India, developed a web-based user-friendly Freight GHG Calculator to enable users to estimate, and make informed choices on the type of modal transportation to use. The calculator quantifies and monetizes the environmental impact of freight transportation in India, with the emissions quantified on a well-to-wheel basis.

Pumped Storage Plants - Essential for India's Energy Transition

India’s goal of developing 500GW of non-fossil fuel capacity by 2030 is dependent upon large-scale energy storage, with pumped storage projects (PSPs) emerging as a critical option for ensuring optimal utilization of improved solar capacity, reliable supply and grid stability.

The report ‘Pumped Storage Plants – Essential for India’s Energy Transition’ by TERI spells out measures for the ways in which large-scale PSP capacity can be developed in this decade to facilitate India’s clean energy goals. Some of the recommendations include development of on-river and off-river pumped storage plants, competitive bidding of PSPs, and ensuring competitiveness of PSPs in comparison to thermal power plants by ensuring that the tariff for renewable energy plants combined with storage capacity with PSPs is cheaper than thermal power plants.

State of Climate Action 2023

The ‘State of Climate Action 2023’ report released by Climate Action Tracker has translated the Paris Agreement’s temperature limit into 1.50C aligned targets across sectors like energy, industry, transport, offering an assessment of recent progress towards them. While progress has been made in adopting zero-carbon technologies like solar and wind power, heat pumps and electric vehicles, certain other actions such as continued deforestation have made collective efforts for GHG emission reductions woefully short.  

Released ahead of the first Global Stocktake due at COP28 in Dubai, the report highlights actions of importance such as improved coverage of rapid transit systems, shifting to sustainable diets and scaling up global climate finance by ~$500 billion per year throughout this decade.

Upcoming Events: TERI @ COP28

Operationalising the Loss and Damage Fund with Equity and Efficacy

16:45 – 18:15 hrs (UAE Time) | SE Room 4, Blue Zone, COP28

The event will explore challenges involved in the establishment and operationalization of the loss and damage fund, and focus on solutions and a potential roadmap that can operationalize the fund and aid developing countries in addressing increasingly adverse impacts of climate change.

Accelerating Action Through Citizen Science: Role of COP and Beyond

12:15 – 13:15 hrs (UAE Time) | Al Fanar Hall, Green Education Hub, Green Zone, Expo City

This convening will map the nexus between oceans and climate change, and discuss the role of citizen science tools like “Global Learning and Observation to Benefit the Environment” (GLOBE), and  “Microplastic Monitoring Protocol Trial” (MMPT) in promoting climate change education among the youth

High Level Roundtable - Transformative Climate Leadership for Actions on Finance, Technology and International Cooperation

10:30 – 13:00 hrs (UAE Time) | BCG Pavilion, Green Zone, COP28

TERI, in association with BCG, India is organizing a roundtable discussion where experts will share their insights on key levers that can help accelerate industrial decarbonisation and finance India’s long-term low-carbon development strategy (LT-LCDS).

Panel Discussion with IPCC Chair and Indian Business Leaders

17:00 – 18:00 hrs (UAE Time) | Climate Live Pavilion, Blue Zone, COP28

TERI is organising a panel panel discussion with the current Chair of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), Professor Jim Skea and Indian business leaders, wherein deliberations by stakeholders from the energy and industry sectors will focus on actions for industry decarbonisation, and how best to accelerate them.

High-Level Convening on Green Market Instruments: Spotlight On Steel Sector in Emerging Economies

15:15 - 16:15 hrs (UAE Time) | Marrakech Partnership Pavilion, Blue Zone, COP28

TERI, in association with Climate Catalyst and Mission Possible Partnership is organizing a panel discussion highlighting the role of technology transfers and financing technologies in accelerating industry decarbonisation, with a special focus on the steel sector.


Just Energy Transitions and SDGs: Tools and Enablers

13:15 - 14:45 hrs (UAE Time) | SE Room 3, Blue Zone, COP28

TERI, in association with Asia Society Policy Institute; and Center for International Climate Research (CICERO) will organise a discussion to synthesize perspectives on enablers such as climate finance, green budgeting, social protection measures and international cooperation initiatives on just energy transitions.

High-Level Convening on Accelerating Multistakeholder Cooperation for Climate Actions in the Global South

11:30 - 13:30 hrs (UAE Time)Nordic Business Pavilion, Blue Zone, COP28

TERI, in association with DNV is organizing a panel discussion on how acceleration of financial and technology flows from developed countries can help decarbonise industrial value chains across the developing world.


In Spotlight

Watch leading business leaders lend their support to the ‘Industry Charter for Near Zero Emissions Ambition by 2050’ instituted by TERI. Through this video, charter signatories and members of TERI CBS highlight the benefits of availing membership of the Council.


Research & Publications

An Economy – wide Quantified Goal on Energy Efficiency in India

Given that energy efficiency is often referred to as the “first fuel” of energy conservation, this TERI policy brief proposes three models for India to set economy-wide energy efficiency targets. These include setting targets as per India’s Net Zero commitment of 2070; adopting a bottom-up sectoral approach, and using a federal unit approach where states can determine their targets that can be aggregated to develop an economy-wide efficiency target.

Achieving Green Steel: A Roadmap towards a Sustainable Steel Sector in India A Technical Annex 

TERI, under the flagship of the Energy Transitions Commission (ETC) India, worked on analysing decarbonisation of hard-to-abate sectors. This updated version of the technical annex on achieving green steel provides an overview of the Indian steel sector, options available to reduce carbon emissions, and the role of resource efficiency on mitigating the impact of hard-to-abate on the environment.

Climate Lessons from G20 for Dubai COP28

The G20 New Delhi Declaration agreed to pursue the goal of tripling renewable energy capacity, and doubling energy efficiency efforts to enable faster energy transition. In this opinion piece, Mr. R R Rashmi, Distinguished Fellow, TERI, points that with no reference being made to the phase-down of fossil fuels, and with carbon removal technologies remaining unviable, the emphasis on renewable energy and improved financing from MDBs can ensure that COP28 does not lose the essence of promoting sustainable transitions.


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