Mainstreaming Sustainability in Business Planning and Practices


October 2023 Newsletter



Dear Industry Colleague,

Follow-up to the notification of the Carbon Credit Trading Scheme, 2023 in the month of June by the Government of India, under provisions of Section 14 of the Energy Conservation Act, 2001 the announcement of the National Steering Committee for Indian Carbon Market has been made. We are proud to share with you that Mr. R R Rashmi – our Distinguished Fellow, shall chair this Committee. With the pre-COP28 negotiations currently underway, this Committee shall play an instrumental role in shaping India’s interests at the United Nations Annual Conference on Climate Change (COP28) in Dubai in the month of December 2023.

The latest science from the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report highlights that we are way off track from pathways consistent with keeping 1.5°C and the Paris Goals within reach. These findings resonate with the first synthesis report of the technical dialogue on the Global Stocktake of climate actions, that was released in September 2023 by the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change secretariat. The report says the pace of global emissions does not meet desired global mitigation pathways laid out in the Paris Agreement to achieve the temperature goal of 2 degrees Celsius below the pre-industrial level. To stay below that maximum temperature, every country needs to do a lot more and effectively transform all sectors of the world economy. 

Indian business leaders from amongst the Council’s network, along with our global partners, look forward to a series of active engagements towards preparations of COP28. We are sure that these deliberations shall provide stronger and deeper foundation for the climate negotiator and scientific communities.

Jointly developed with Shell, our report titled “India Transforming To A Net-Zero Emissions Energy System - A call to action to 2030” shall provide you with key messages of how clean energy will look like in the decades to come. Technical proposals on why storage of electricity is necessary for meeting demand round the clock and the details of range of possible mitigation strategies for Net Zero steel sector are available, alongside the actions undertaken by the signatory companies of the Industry Charter for Near-Zero Emissions Ambition by 2050, instituted by TERI.

Our Council for Business Sustainability serves as the interface for our research work to be connected to the corporate world and enables two-way engagement. TERI CBS engages with the core issue of what businesses must do to shape and lead in sustainability. Your suggestions and feedback remain a constant source of inspiration for us.

We hope that the newsletter provides a good and insightful reading for you.

Mr. Arupendra Nath Mullick, Vice President - TERI CBS


New Member

As one of the fastest growing technology-led Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) companies in India, providing sustainable solutions across urban and industrial infrastructure projects, Tata Projects has joined hands with the TERI Council for Business Sustainability (TERI CBS).

The organisations have come together to leverage their capabilities across the urban built environment and energy sector domain, promote sustainability agenda among corporates, and in the process, contribute to the country’s net zero commitment.

"One of the biggest challenges for the decarbonization of air travel is the availability of sustainable aviation fuel. We need to increase collaborations and build the technologies and enhancements into the existing structures and supply chains. We need to build ecosystems where from the time it is developed, even at the inception stage, we start looking at constructability. All of this needs digitalization"

- Mr. Sourabh Mukherjee, Executive Vice President at Tata Projects, India (at the EU-India Collaboration on Sustainable Biofuels for Aviation and Maritime Transport Roadmap Workshop hosted by TERI in collaboration with the European Union)



Important Reads

Climate Lessons from G20 for Dubai COP28

The G20 New Delhi Leaders’ Declaration agreed to pursue a global goal of tripling renewable energy capacity, and doubling energy efficiency efforts to enable faster energy transition. In this opinion piece, Mr. R R Rashmi, Distinguished Fellow, TERI, points that as an increase in RE capacity is akin to the withdrawal of oil and coal, the incorporation of RE targets at the climate conference in Dubai would be of significant gain to the global climate process.

Given that the G20 Declaration made no reference to the phase-down of fossil fuels, and with carbon removal technologies remaining unviable, emphasis on renewable energy targets and the support for enhanced financing from Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs) can ensure that COP28 in Dubai does not lose essence of the important issue of promoting sustainable transitions.

The Global Sustainable Development Report (GSDR) 2023: Times of Crisis, Times of Change Science for Accelerating Transformation to Sustainable Development

The Global Sustainable Development Report 2023 released at the SDG Summit held in New York in September 2023 points that halfway through the 2030 timeline, SDGs have backslided due to a spate of shocks ranging from the COVID-19 pandemic to geopolitical volatility, debt crisis and increased frequency of disasters.

The report suggests steering transformations across six entry points of human well-being and capabilities, sustainable economies, food systems and nutrition, decarbonisation and universal access to energy, urban and peri-urban development and global environmental commons. The report calls upon all stakeholders to establish an SDG transformation framework grounded in science and science-based tools, local and industry-specific plans, enhanced accountability measures, and improved engagements with international financial institutions to increase the fiscal space for financing SDGs.

Tweak Policy for Greener Energy

India’s transition away from a fossil-fuel based economy to one which is clean and green requires crafting right policy instruments to ensure a successful energy transition. In this opinion piece, Mr. Ajay Shankar, Distinguished Fellow at TERI, cites the example of how the wind energy sector became a globally competitive manufacturing industry in India.

Likewise, if such a success is to be replicated across the solar industry, the opinion piece recommends that supportive policies that promote competitive bidding and assure offtake by the government for solar panels with value addition in India can make the solar panels manufacturing industry competitive. Similarly, the government can incentivize cost reduction of green hydrogen through competitive procurement from a prospective date.

Past Events

Roundtable Discussion of Expert Group on Financing MSMEs for Long-Term Low Carbon Development Strategy, Mumbai

TERI’s Expert Group on Financing MSMEs for Long-Term Low Carbon Development Strategy launched in association with Bloomberg Philanthropies, recently held a roundtable discussion on 19th October in Mumbai, in association with the World Trade Center (WTC) and All India Association of Industries.

The roundtable discussion identified four strategies to promote enhanced financing to the MSMEs, namely, multi-stakeholder facilitation program, multi-level risk guarantee mechanism, supply chain linked decarbonisation and multi-sector cluster based approach.

Shell India's 'ChangeMakers of Tomorrow' Summit, Bengaluru

Shell India's three-day summit 'ChangeMakers of Tomorrow' held on 11th October in Bengaluru, saw experts, entrepreneurs and industry leaders discuss the progress of, and challenges associated with ensuring an energy secure low-carbon future.

Dr. Vibha Dhawan, Director General, TERI shared her views on the important role played by India in accelerating energy transition, the progress achieved by the country in renewable energy expansion and the critical role of the industry in developing innovative solutions for enhanced uptake of renewable energy.

TERI at Japan's Green Transformation (GX) Strategy Roundtable, Tokyo

A roundtable discussion on Green Transformation (GX) Strategy was held on 3rd October at the Office of the Hon'ble Prime Minister of Japan, Mr. Fumio Kishida.

At the roundtable, Prime Minister Kishida announced the full-scale market introduction of green steel and perovskite solar cells in 2025. Discussions at the roundtable, attended by Dr. Vibha Dhawan, Director General, TERI, revolved around Japan’s efforts in renewable and nuclear energy, implementation of “pro-growth, carbon pricing”, and issuance of the world’s first transition bonds for industrial decarbonisation.

ET Energyworld India Net Zero Forum 2023, Delhi

The ET Energyworld India Net Zero Forum held on 29th September in New Delhi saw eminent speakers gather to discuss issues across topics ranging from India's Green Credit program to the evolving landscape of ESG, and the decarbonization prerequisites in the metals and mining, and the transport sector.

Speaking at the summit, Dr. Vibha Dhawan, Director General, TERI highlighted that energy transition stood on three key pillars of R&D investments, co-development of technologies and skilling human resources.


In Spotlight

In the run-up to COP28, TERI presents views of the Indian business leaders present at COP27 held in Sharm-el-Sheikh (Egypt). Discussions on transitions in the hard-to-abate sectors have increasingly become important with the need felt to engage supply and demand side actors and focus on enhanced financing.


Research & Publications

Low Carbon Pathways for Madhya Pradesh

Development of low-carbon pathways at state levels are recognised as the building blocks of contributing to national-level low carbon pathways. TERI undertook this study for the Energy Department, Government of Madhya Pradesh to help answer key questions relating to least-cost investment in new-generation capacity and meeting anticipated demand with least cost dispatch of generation in the short (2025) and medium (2030) term.

Achieving Green Steel: A Roadmap towards a Sustainable Steel Sector in India A Technical Annex 

TERI, under the flagship of the Energy Transitions Commission (ETC) India, worked on analysing decarbonisation of hard-to-abate sectors. This updated version of the technical annex on achieving green steel provides an overview of the Indian steel sector, options available to reduce carbon emissions, and the role of resource efficiency on mitigating the impact of the hard-to-abate on the environment.

Transition Risk Management for Land-based Climate Measure

The land-use sector via initiatives such as Nature-based Solutions (NbS) holds immense potential for upscaling land-based climate interventions. However, implementing them requires understanding their impact on communities dependent on land for livelihood purposes

This policy brief recommends improving representation of local communities in policymaking, embedding value of land across global supply chains, and improving capacity of local agencies and communities in implementing such measures.


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