Page 10 - GRIHA Manual Volume I - Introduction to National Rating System
P. 10
T he time has come where we can no National Rating System after incorporating
longer ignore the benefits of green
various modifi cations suggested by a group of
building practices that have a major impact
architects and experts.
on our environment. The Government is taking The GRIHA rating system takes into account
appropriate steps to ensure that green building the provisions of the National Building Code 2005;
practices are mainstreamed through a mix of the Energy Conservation Building Code 2007
regulations and voluntary schemes. The National announced by BEE (Bureau of Energy Effi ciency)
Action Plan on Climate Change has, therefore, and other IS codes.
announced a mission on sustainable habitats. GRIHA – the National Rating System will
In addition, the recently launched ECBC 2007 evaluate the environmental performance of
(Energy Conservation Building Code 2007), the a building holistically over its entire life cycle,
appliance labelling programme of the Bureau thereby providing a defi nitive standard for what
of Energy Effi ciency, and the rating system for constitutes a ‘green building’. The rating system,
appraisal and clearance of large construction based on accepted energy and environmental
projects by the Ministry of Environment and principles, will seek to strike a balance between
Forests are some of the significant steps to established practices and emerging concepts,
move towards green buildings. Several corporate both national and international.
organizations and institutions have mandated the On a broader scale, this system, along with
use of green practices in their new construction. the activities and processes that lead up to it, will
Development of a holistic framework that meets benefi t the community at large with improvement
all the regulatory norms and responds to the in the environment by reducing GHG (greenhouse
needs of diff ering agro-climatic zones in India is gas) emissions, improving energy security, and
felt to be an urgent need. GRIHA (Green Rating for reducing the stress on natural resources.
Integrated Habitat Assessment) was developed in This book provides a comprehensive
response to this need. understanding of GRIHA, its underlying criteria
Keeping in view agro-climatic conditions and the rating procedure. The book also covers
in India and, in particular, the preponderance best practices that could be followed to achieve
of non-air-conditioned buildings, the National desired GRIHA ratings.
Rating System – GRIHA – has been developed
as a suitable system for all kinds of buildings
in different climatic zones of the country. The
system, initially developed by TERI as TERI-GRIHA, (R K Pachauri)
has been modified to GRIHA as the country’s Director-General, TERI
T he time has come where we can no National Rating System after incorporating
longer ignore the benefits of green
various modifi cations suggested by a group of
building practices that have a major impact
architects and experts.
on our environment. The Government is taking The GRIHA rating system takes into account
appropriate steps to ensure that green building the provisions of the National Building Code 2005;
practices are mainstreamed through a mix of the Energy Conservation Building Code 2007
regulations and voluntary schemes. The National announced by BEE (Bureau of Energy Effi ciency)
Action Plan on Climate Change has, therefore, and other IS codes.
announced a mission on sustainable habitats. GRIHA – the National Rating System will
In addition, the recently launched ECBC 2007 evaluate the environmental performance of
(Energy Conservation Building Code 2007), the a building holistically over its entire life cycle,
appliance labelling programme of the Bureau thereby providing a defi nitive standard for what
of Energy Effi ciency, and the rating system for constitutes a ‘green building’. The rating system,
appraisal and clearance of large construction based on accepted energy and environmental
projects by the Ministry of Environment and principles, will seek to strike a balance between
Forests are some of the significant steps to established practices and emerging concepts,
move towards green buildings. Several corporate both national and international.
organizations and institutions have mandated the On a broader scale, this system, along with
use of green practices in their new construction. the activities and processes that lead up to it, will
Development of a holistic framework that meets benefi t the community at large with improvement
all the regulatory norms and responds to the in the environment by reducing GHG (greenhouse
needs of diff ering agro-climatic zones in India is gas) emissions, improving energy security, and
felt to be an urgent need. GRIHA (Green Rating for reducing the stress on natural resources.
Integrated Habitat Assessment) was developed in This book provides a comprehensive
response to this need. understanding of GRIHA, its underlying criteria
Keeping in view agro-climatic conditions and the rating procedure. The book also covers
in India and, in particular, the preponderance best practices that could be followed to achieve
of non-air-conditioned buildings, the National desired GRIHA ratings.
Rating System – GRIHA – has been developed
as a suitable system for all kinds of buildings
in different climatic zones of the country. The
system, initially developed by TERI as TERI-GRIHA, (R K Pachauri)
has been modified to GRIHA as the country’s Director-General, TERI