Page 20 - GRIHA Manual Volume II - Introduction to National Rating System
P. 20
12 GrIha Manual: Volume 2

To achieve 1.3.2 (1 point)
For compliance 1.3.2, either the selected site should be a Brownfield site or it should be located
within half km radius of
# an existing bus stop, and/or
# a commuter rail, and/or
# a light rail or metro station

Conduct a survey of the site surroundings to locate any existing bus top, commuter rail, light rail
or metro station and mark the locations of the same on the site plan. On the site plan drawing,
draw a circle with a radius of half km and the main entrance of the site as the centre. If the bus top,
commuter rail, light rail or metro station is located within this distance, the project will meet the
requirement and achieve one point.

Guide to use GRIHA online evaluation tool

In the goals section, user can click on the total points that are being attempted in the criterion. In
this criterion, Goal 1(appraisal 1.3.1) is mandatory, so there is no check box for the same. If Goal 2
(appraisal 1.3.2) is being attempted, click on the check box and the compliances and documents
required for this goal will get checked automatically (as shown in the snapshot below).
The required documents and drawings can be uploaded using the online tool.
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