Page 47 - GRIHA Manual Volume II - Introduction to National Rating System
P. 47
Sustainable site planning 39

B Application of farm yard manure at 5 tonnes/hectare (t/ha) 10–15 days before
transplanting in the case of paddy crop and before sowing in the case of garden land
crops can alleviate the problems of salinity.

• Saline-sodic soil can be improved by using the following methods.
B Ploughing the soil at optimum soil moisture regime.
B Gypsum-requirement-based gypsum application.
B Impounding water
B Provision of drainage for leaching-out the soluble salts
B In situ incorporation of green manure at 5 t/ ha

• Sodic soil can be improved by using the following methods.
B Application of lime as per the lime requirement test uniformly by broadcast and
incorporation is recommended.
B The alternate amendments like dolomite, basic slag, flue dust, wood ash, pulp mill lime
may also be used on lime equivalent basis.

# Other soil types specific to various regions of India
• Sandy soils predominantly contain sand, which results in higher percolation rates and
nutrient losses.
B Compacting the soil with a 400-kg stone roller or oil drum with stones inside eight times
at proper moisture level once in three years could reduce the percolation losses.
B Addition of tank silt for coastal sandy soils is recommended for enhancing their

• Heavy textured clay soils contain considerable amounts of clay, resulting in poor permeability
and nutrient fixation.
B Such soils can be reclaimed by the addition of river sand at 100 t/ha.
B They can be managed by deep ploughing the field with mould board plough or disc
plough during summer to enhance the infiltration and percolation.

• Low permeable black soils
B Application of 100 cartloads of red loam soil.
B Deep ploughing the field with mould board plough or disc plough during summer
enhances the infiltration and percolation.
B Application of FYM , composted coir pith or pressmud at 25 t/ha per year will improve
the physical properties and internal drainage of the soil

• High permeable red soils
B Application of tank silt or black soil at 25t/ha per year along with FYM, composted coir
pith or pressmud at 25t/ha.
B Deep ploughing the field with mould board plough or disc plough during summer to
improve the water holding capacity of the soil

9 Source: accessed: 01/02/10, 1630 hrs.
10 Farmyard manure
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