Page 79 - GRIHA Manual Volume II - Introduction to National Rating System
P. 79
Sustainable site planning 71

Table 1 Illumination levels for outdoor areas
Illuminance levels (lux)
Location and tasks Horizontal Vertical
Building exteriors
• Active (pedestrian/conveyance) 50 30
• Inactive (normally locked, infrequent use) 30 30
Prominent structures 50 30
Buildings and monuments, loodlighted
Bright surroundings
• Light surfaces 30
• Medium light surfaces 50
• Medium dark surfaces 50
• Dark surfaces 100
Dark surroundings
• Light surfaces 30
• Medium light surfaces 30
• Medium dark surfaces 30
• Dark surfaces 30
General lighting 5 2
Paths, away from building 10 3
Steps or ramps away from building 10 3
Backgrounds – fences, walls, trees and shrubbery 20 5
Flower beds, rock gardens 30 30
Trees or shrubbery emphasized 30 30
Terraces, patios, decks 50 30
Roadway lighting
Rest areas
• Entrance and exit
o Access lanes 3–6
• Interior roadways 6
• Parking areas 11
• Activity areas
o Major 11
o Minor 5
Parking lots
Basic 2 1
Enhanced security 5 2.5
Emergency, safety and security
Emergency lighting
• Egress path 10
• Areas adjacent to egress path 0.5
• Exterior path of egress 10
Security lighting
• Large open areas 5-20
• Buildings 5-20
• Perimeter fence 5
• Entrances 100
• Gatehouses 300
Source The IESNA Lighting Handbook, Ninth edition
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