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Safeguard duty on imported solar panels will make solar power less competitive
Responding to the Ministry of Finance's notification to impose safeguard duty on imported solar panels, The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) asserted that this move will raise tariffs of future solar projects in India, impacting the competitiveness of the solar power sector. Over 90% of solar panels and modules used in Indian solar projects come from China and Malaysia, and the proposed safeguard duty is intended to protect domestic solar panel production from impacts due to increased imports. TERI has given recommendations to the Ministry of Commerce on the issue.

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Training programmes on 'Social Impact Assessment, Resettlement and Rehabilitation'
10th - 14th September, 2018

Climate change and human health survey
Last date: 10th August, 2018

Solar Chandana
Integrated planning for reducing GHG emissions and air pollutants will yield greater benefits: TERI study
TERI and Shakti Foundation released a study last month, the main objectives of which were to carry out a co-benefits assessment of various energy policy scenarios. The co-benefits that were assessed and quantified include reductions in emissions of air pollutants, change in concentration of air pollutants, impacts on human health, and agricultural yields.

Replacing Bengaluru's auto fleet with electric autos will clean up the air and save LPG
The worsening situation of Bengaluru's road traffic requires immediate cognisance and action before the city chokes up in its own fumes. A research paper by TERI on public transport describes the status of tail pipe emissions in the form of CO2, PM10 and nitrogen oxide emitted by two-stroke and four-stroke autos plying in Bengaluru. Based on data, it discusses various scenarios to reduce the emissions, and recommends phase-wise penetration of electric vehicles as the most apt policy solution.

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TERI (The Energy and Resources Institute), Darbari Seth Block, IHC Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi - 110 003, INDIA
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