




& Nutrition

Re-imagining India’s building sector
The ‘Mahindra-TERI Centre of Excellence for Sustainable Habitats’ was set up at TERI’s Gwal Pahari campus at Gurgaon to develop energy efficient innovative solutions tailored for the Indian climate and building sector. The CoE aims to develop performance standard matrices, guidelines and toolkits for integrated envelope analysis. It will provide provide a coherent database for market-ready, scalable and viable materials and technologies.

Upcoming events
Conference on Accelerating rural development through enhancing energy access
17th July, 2018

Training programmes on 'Social Impact Assessment, Resettlement and Rehabilitation'
16th-20th July, 2018

Turning our buildings green with GRIHA
GRIHA aims to build core competencies in state & Urban Local Bodies
Under MoU with PWD Maharashtra, the GRIHA council will train the officers to create a cadre of certified GRIHA professionals within PWD for evaluating on-going GRIHA projects within the state. This follows from the state government’s policy to construct all new buildings as per GRIHA norms in view of the need for sustainable development. So far about 60 projects from various PWD circles have been registered under GRIHA.

Economic cost of land degradation in India
The cost of land degradation and land use change ate up to 2.54% of India's gross domestic product (GDP) in 2014-15, as per TERI's Study on Economics of Desertification, Land Degradation and Drought in India (retain hyperlink). If we consider the national target of having 33% of area under forest cover, then currently 20.79% of this target area either constitutes degraded forest (10.4% of GA) or is currently not under forests.

Copyright © 2018 TERI
TERI (The Energy and Resources Institute), Darbari Seth Block, IHC Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi - 110 003, INDIA
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