




& Nutrition

Department of Biotechnology and TERI set up platform to orient nanobiotechnology research towards real-world solutions
The Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Government of India, and the TERI-Deakin Nanobiotechnology Centre (TDNBC) have set up Nanobiotech@DBT, India’s first platform to bring together the nanobiotechnology community and translate lab-based research into scalable ideas. The idea is for this to lead to the kind of real-world applications required by farmers, doctors, and others in allied areas.

Upcoming events
Training programmes on 'Social Impact Assessment, Resettlement and Rehabilitation'
8th-12th April, 2019

Solargarh-The Future We Want
Solargarh tells the story of residents of a small-town colony in UP who took to solar power in the absence of reliable electricity supply. What started from practical needs made them early adopters of a greener way of living. The film is produced under a series called 'The Future We Want' which tells stories of individuals and communities demonstrating sustainable ways of living in modern India.

Drought Proofing India: Key Learnings from Bundelkhand Drought Mitigation Package
Bundelkhand Drought Mitigation Package was implemented by NITI Aayog in 13 drought prone districts of Bundelkhand region of Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh to reduce the impact of drought on the local communities. With a total outlay of Rs. 7466 crore, the implementation of the package is still a challenge. An analysis by TERI recommends the need for interventions on the following fronts: Water Positive Investments (WPI), Livelihood Support Activities, and Agri-Marketing Infrastructure.

Drying up antimicrobial resistance with innovative wastewater treatment
Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is recognised as a growing public health threat across the world. Studies show that pharmaceutical residues in soil and water provide ideal breeding grounds for drug-resistant bacteria. There is an urgent need for AMR researchers to work with scientists and industries across disciplines to find out the AMR transmission and control mechanisms.

Now, a simple treatment system being developed by TERI and The University of Pannonia, Hungary holds promise of an effective way to remediate pharmaceuticals from wastewater.

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