Plastic waste pollution
A minute to make, but years to break
Over the past decades, global plastic production and consumption have witnessed a meteoric rise. While the harmful effects of plastic utilization are many, we seem incapable of weaning ourselves away from it. Single-use plastic items have caused a lot of damage to the environment and there's an urgent need to collectively curb its usage, monitor its disposal, and, if possible, avoid using it altogether.

SwaCH Across Bharat - The Future We Want Series
This short film explores the work of the SWaCH, a co-operative of waste pickers in Pune, India. The film shows a model of waste management that is environment-friendly, financially efficient, and one that safeguards the rights of waste collectors. This is produced under ‘The Future We Want’ series which captures individual and community initiatives towards sustainability.
TERI recommends action points to reverse land degradation in India
India has committed to restore 26 million hectares by 2030. Nearly, one third of the country’s area i.e. 96.4 million hectares is currently under land degradation. For India to achieve land degradation neutrality (LDN) by 2030, TERI recommends action points to combat desertification and land degradation.
  Recycle, reuse policy to drive India’s plan to become resource efficient

  TERI develops innovative technology for end-to-end treatment of wastewater

  Climate projections of today becoming reality of tomorrow; need to be strengthened

  Exploration and Mining in India: Time for a deeper look

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