May 2021:
News,Views and Updates from TERI
We hope this issue of our newsletter finds you and your loved ones in good health. In this edition, read a first-of-its-kind study by TERI, assessing the ‘human resources and skills need’ of India’s food and land use systems, a note on the potential of India-EU cooperation in climate and development, and a story on just transitions from the coal mines of Betul in central India. |
State of Science, Technology and Innovation Skills for Sustainability of India's Food and Land-use Systems |
The TERI-FOLU report is the first of its kind comprehensive systematic evaluation of human resources and skills available for India’s food and land use systems. The study finds that R&D funding in agriculture has not kept pace with the growth in agriculture output and India has only 4 full time equivalent researchers per 1,00,000 farmers since 2005.
Among the research still being conducted, a disproportionate share goes to food crops, that too in irrigated areas even though 60% of India’s agriculture is rain-fed. Skill-building, research and extension agenda should be determined by agro-ecosystem specific needs rather than expert perceptions and a top-down ‘generic’ approach. The focus on skill building should also be along the entire agri-food value chain keeping in mind better value capture by farmers, for e.g., food loss prevention, better pre-processing, etc.
Finally, food and land use need to be looked at as ‘systems’ instead of individual components or short-term outcomes.

Potential of India-EU Cooperation on Climate and Development |
The India-EU dialogue (supported by CIFF), jointly curated by TERI, IDDRI and ECF, aims to further a climate-focused dialogue between the two regions. Envisaged as two-year dialogue series, it will involve regular engagement with experts across the spectrum on the most pertinent areas of discussion such as mobilising finance for climate action, pathways for long-term strategies, and building resilience and adaptive capacity.

Curtain Raiser Event to WSDS 2022: Sustainable, Equitable and Resilient Water Use |
The curtain raiser event to the World Sustainable Development Summit 2022 will be held on June 4, the eve of World Environment Day 2021. At the event, which will focus on ‘Sustainable, Equitable and Resilient Water Use’, TERI will launch its report on Sustainable Groundwater Management in Lucknow City. On World Environment Day, June 5, the Mahindra-TERI Centre of Excellence will also release a report on Water Sustainability Assessment of Chennai followed by a panel discussion to discuss the challenges and opportunities on water sustainability in Chennai.
We never imagined that coal will disappear one day! |
What happens to a mining town’s population when coal runs out? This article on TERI’s assessment of Betul, a coal mining district in Madhya Pradesh that has seen a number of mine closures, looks at the larger lessons it holds for India as it tries to transition away from coal.
Climate change forces Uttarakhand farmers to migrate |
Climate change in Uttarakhand will increasingly force people to abandon farming at high altitudes and move to the plains over the next 30 years. The Third Pole reports on a new study by the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) and TERI that has forecast that the worst impacts will be in higher elevations. This may accelerate the trend of people migrating and leaving land fallow.
Road to Contain Climate Change |
'Roads and railways bind a nation and bring people together. Without adequate mobility, SDGs cannot be achieved and sustained', say Mr S Sundar and Sharif Qamar, in what is now the last piece of writing by Mr Sundar, urging the government to develop a safe and sustainable transport sector.
Refurbishing Plastic for Climate Action: Finding Value in 'Waste' |
Fostering circularity in the plastic value chain will be a significant move in helping India achieve its climate goals. This article highlights key suggestions from TERI’s study on Circular Economy for Plastics in India: A Roadmap.
Applications Open for TERI-IWA ‘Water Sustainability Awards’ |
Applications are still open for the ‘Water Sustainability Awards’ by TERI and the International Water Association (IWA) to encourage the achievement of UN SDG 6 on Water. Applications are invited under eight categories, to be received no later than 30th June 2021.
From our video archives - It’s a case of missing apples. With rising temperatures, Himachal Pradesh's apple produce has dropped by one-third in the last decade. What does the mean for the economy of the state, where apple cultivation forms 3.5% of the GDP, and for the livelihood of the people involved in this trade? Watch this ground report by Rohit Prashar, produced under the TERI-Earth Journalism Network fellowship programme. |
That is all for this month. See you in June.
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