August 2021:
News,Views and Updates from TERI
In this issue of our newsletter, we bring you highlights from the 20th Darbari Seth Memorial Lecture, held on the birth centenary of our founder Darbari Seth. Mr Seth was a visionary who founded TERI, then known as the Tata Energy Research Institute, in 1974. Since then, TERI has emerged as one of the world's pre-eminent think tanks and research institutions in the field of energy, climate change, and sustainability.
This year marked the 20th year of this annual lecture series held in his honour. The memorial lecture was delivered on 24th August by Dr Praveer Sinha, CEO and Managing Director, Tata Power Company Limited. It was preceded by the Presidential Address by Shri Bhupender Yadav, Hon'ble Union Minister for Environment, Forest and Climate Change. Also, to mark Mr Seth's birth centenary, two Special Addresses were delivered by his contemporaries Mr R K Krishna Kumar, Trustee, Tata Trusts, and Mr G Narayana, Chairman Emeritus, Excel Industries Limited, in which they recounted their experiences and learnings from him.
This month, TERI also organised multiple Virtual Stakeholder Roundtables to get inputs and feedback from five key sectors on the COP26 Charter of Actions it is preparing ahead of the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26) in Glasgow, Scotland in November this year. The Charter will propose probable and sector specific options which can advance climate action and ambition in the country.
Demand side interventions crucial to enhance consumer participation in energy transition: Dr Praveer Sinha, CEO & MD, Tata Power Company Limited at Darbari Seth Memorial Lecture 2021 |
Speaking on 'Energy Transition and Way Forward for India', Dr Sinha expressed the need for concerted efforts and a rapid shift to new and cleaner technologies to tackle climate change. "Without rapidly cutting emission to net zero in the coming decades we are heading to dangerous extremes. It is high time developed countries seal the deal on adaptation finance and clean technology partnerships," he said.
Climate action warrants multilateral approach: Sh. Bhupender Yadav, Union Minister of Environment, Forest & Climate Change |
The Presidential Address at the 20th Darbari Seth Memorial Lecture was delivered by Sh. Bhupender Yadav on 'India's Achievements in Addressing Climate Change'. Apart from highlighting the various initiatives undertaken by India towards achieving its Nationally Determined Contributions, he emphasised on the need for "a more responsive, multilateral approach where all countries take their fair share of the burden in responding to the global threat of climate change."

Tiny minority tilting energy balance, leading to large-scale catastrophes across the world: Mr R K Krishna Kumar, Trustee, Tata Trusts
Mr R K Krishna Kumar delivered the first of the two Special Addresses at the 20th Darbari Seth Memorial Lecture. His address on 'Energy and the Mirage of Progress' focused on the flaws of the "unsustainable" economic model of progress in the 20th and 21st century. "The higher the use of energy the higher will be the waste generation, which the developed economies tend to ignore," he said.
Mr Seth was an inspiring leader: Mr G Narayana, Chairman Emeritus, Excel Industries Limited
The second Special Address celebrating the 100th birth anniversary of Mr Seth was delivered by Mr G Narayana. Going down memory lane, he recalled the visionary that Mr Seth was, his passion towards energy security, and his constant drive to learn more.
COP26 Charter of Actions: Virtual Stakeholder Roundtables
Keeping in view the importance of COP26, TERI is preparing a COP26 Charter of Actions which will assimilate questions and challenges posed by key sectors in India and propose probable options to advance climate action and ambition in India. TERI organised Virtual Stakeholder Roundtables from 17th to 31st August to get inputs and feedback on the five main themes of the Charter, namely: Green Finance, Energy, Adaptation and Resilience, Nature-based Solutions, and Sustainable Mobility. In total, the roundtable discussions were attended by 44 speakers and over 600 participants.

The Charter activities were held in partnership with the British High Commission, Bloomberg Philanthropies, Shakti Sustainable Energy Foundation, and Tata Cleantech Capital Limited. The roundtables were organised under the banner of TERI's annual flagship event - the World Sustainable Development Summit (WSDS), which is scheduled from 16th to 18th February 2022.
Green Steel through Hydrogen Direct Reduction: A Study on the Role of Hydrogen in the Indian Iron and Steel Sector
TERI released a policy brief on 'Green Steel through Hydrogen Direct Reduction: A Study on the Role of Hydrogen in the Indian Iron and Steel Sector'. It looks at the possibilities that exist for the Indian steel industry to produce green steel through low carbon hydrogen for direct reduction, paired with electric arc furnaces powered by renewable electricity.
From our YouTube channel, watch a video on the receding of the Pindari glacier and its effect on tourism in Uttarakhand, as seen by a trekker and tour operator who has been visiting the glacier for 20 years.
The video has been created as part of the TERI-Earth Journalism Network Media Fellowship Programme by Bahadur Singh, TERI-EJN fellow from Uttarakhand.
That is it for now. See you next time.
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TERI (The Energy and Resources Institute), Darbari Seth Block, IHC Complex, Lodhi Road,
New Delhi - 110 003, INDIA
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