Page 81 - GRIHA Manual Volume I - Introduction to National Rating System
P. 81
68 Griha Manual: Volume 1

Criterion 9 Reduce air pollution during construction


The dust generated by various construction site activities can contribute signifi cantly to air pollution.
Dust and outdoor air pollutants can cause respiratory problems. Good construction practices
involve major mitigation measures for prevention or minimization of air pollution from construction
activities. This criterion aims to reduce air pollution due to on–site construction.

9.1 Commitment
9.1.1 Adopt measures to prevent air pollution in the vicinity of the site due to construction
activities. There is no standard reference for this. The best practices should be followed (as
adopted from international best practice documents and codes).
9.1.2 Provision in the contract document that the contractor will undertake the responsibility to
prevent air pollution (dust and smoke); ensure that there will be adequate water supply/
storage for dust suppression; devise and arrange methods of working and carrying out the
work in such a manner so as to minimize the impact of dust on the surrounding environment;
and provide experienced personnel with suitable training to ensure that these methods
are implemented. Prior to the commencement of any work, the methods of working, plant
equipment, and air-pollution-control system to be used on-site should be made available
for the inspection and approval of the engineer-in-charge to ensure that these are suitable
for the project.

9.2 Compliance
The following documents are to be submitted.
9.2.1 Narrative (not more than 300 words) explaining the air pollution preventive measures that
have been adopted on-site. Site photographs showing diff erent stages of construction
along with preventive measures to support the claim.
9.2.2 Relevant sections of tender document showing that air pollution prevention measures are
mandatory are to be adopted by contractors during construction.

9.3 Appraisal (maximum points – 2) mandatory
9.3.1 Demonstrated use of air pollution preventive measures, as per clauses 9.2.1 and 9.2.2
(2 points).
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