Page 85 - GRIHA Manual Volume I - Introduction to National Rating System
P. 85
72 Griha Manual: Volume 1

Criterion 13 Optimize building design to reduce
conventional energy demand

To apply climate responsive building design measures, including day-lighting and effi cient artifi cial
lighting design, in order to reduce the conventional energy demand.

13.1 Commitment
13.1.1 In order to optimize the building design appropriate climate responsive design strategies
should be adopted, such as-
1 Optimize the orientation of the building; and/ or
2 Place the buff er spaces (such as- toilets, corridors, staircases, lifts and service areas
etc.) along western and eastern facades and/ or
3 Provide maximum openings on North and South; and/or
4 Shade the building surfaces getting maximum solar exposure (such as– wall, roof,
courtyard) with the use of external shading devices; eg. space frame, jallis, pergola,
trees, green wall, terrace garden etc. and/ or
5 Design appropriate shading for all the fenestrations getting direct solar radiation by
using sun path analysis or shading norms (prescribed in the table-9 & 10 of Handbook
on functional requirements of buildings other than industrial buildings) etc.

13.1.2 The WWR (window to wall ratio) is limited to a maximum of 60% of gross wall area and the
SRR (skylight to roof ratio) is limited to a maximum of 5% of gross roof area as prescribed in
Energy Conservation Building Code (ECBC)-2007.
13.1.3 Demonstrate that the eff ective Solar Heat Gain Coeffi cient (SHGC) of the fenestration
(accounting for glazing, overhangs and/ or vertical fi ns) is compliant with the maximum
SHGC requirement prescribed by ECBC-2007. (Refer ECBC Table-4.3)
13.1.4 Ensure that the total daylighted area (Refer Appendix-A, ECBC-2007) of the proposed
building is > 25% of the total living area (Refer table-2, SP41) and achieve the recommended
daylight factor (DF) (Refer Table-2, SP41) at the centre of the daylighted area or the average
on the daylighted area in a design sky condition (Refer Part-8, National Building Code -2005)
to fetch two mandatory points.
P For every 25% increase in the total daylighted area upon the total living area shall
fetch one additional point on each. This shall however be non mandatory.

Note: The daylight clause is not mandatory for all other living spaces that are not listed in the Table-2, Sp41; however similar points can
be awarded for respective daylighted area as mentioned above and DF can be decided based on project specifi c daylight requirement.

13.1.5 Perform artifi cial lighting simulation to demonstrate that the lighting levels in indoor spaces
are maintained as recommended in NBC 2005 (BIS 2005d).

13.2 Compliance
The following documents are to be submitted.
13.2.1 Site plan giving north line, all the building plans with internal layout showing all functional
spaces and interior layout, four side elevations, building sections and fenestration details (if
available). (The drawings shall be referred to during post-occupation review).
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