Page 10 - GRIHA Manual Volume II - Introduction to National Rating System
P. 10
2 GrIha Manual: Volume 2

Criterion 2 Preserve and protect landscape during construction (5 points)
This criterion suggests proper timing of the construction, preservation of topsoil and existing
vegetation, staging and spill prevention, and erosion and sedimentation control. It also suggests
re-plantation of on-site trees in the ratio of 3:1 to those removed during construction.

Non-applicability condition (for topsoil preservation only): This criterion does not apply to contaminated
site/sites that do not have good quality top soil (as per soil test report) that is considered worth
storing for reuse. Soil test has to be carried out as per Criterion 3 and the test report has to be
endorsed by the landscape architect. The landscape architect has to provide a certificate that
the topsoil is not worth storing for landscaping purposes and cannot be restored to
applicable standard.

Non-applicability condition (for tree preservation and protection clause only): This criterion does not
apply to sites that are devoid of mature trees.

Criterion 3 Soil conservation (till post-construction) (2 points)

This suggests proper topsoil laying, stabilization of the soil, and maintenance of adequate fertility of
the soil to support vegetative growth.

Non-applicability condition: The criterion does not apply to sites in which topsoil cannot be stored
for reasons as cited in Criterion 2 above.

Criterion 4 Design to include existing site features (4 points)
This criterion suggests minimization of the disruption of the natural ecosystem and design to
harness maximum benefits of the prevailing micro-climate.

Criterion 5 Reduce hard paving on-site and/or provide shaded hard-paved surfaces (2 points)
This suggests minimization of storm water run-off and heat island impacts by reducing hard paving

Criterion 6 Enhance outdoor-lighting system efficiency and use renewable energy system for
meeting outdoor lighting requirements (3 points)

This suggests minimum allowable luminous efficacy (as per lamp type) of lamps/luminaries used for
outdoor lighting and makes progressive use of renewable-energy-based lighting system.

Criterion 7 Plan utilities efficiently and optimize on-site circulation efficiency (3 points)
This suggests minimization of road and pedestrian walkway length by appropriate planning and
provision for aggregate corridors for utility lines.

Criterion 10 Reduce landscape water requirement (3 points)
This suggests landscape techniques using native species and reduced lawn areas while enhancing
the irrigation efficiency and reducing the water requirements for landscaping purposes.
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