Page 11 - GRIHA Manual Volume II - Introduction to National Rating System
P. 11
Introduction 3

Health and well-being

Safe and hygienic living and working conditions for the construction workers during construction
are very important aspects of any project. However, it is usually not suitably addressed by the project
teams resulting in unhygienic and unsafe working conditions for construction workers.
While constructing green buildings, it should be ensured that in addition to providing healthy
living and working conditions for the building occupants, adequate measure have been taken to
provide basic health and safety facilities for the workers also.
On any construction site, large volumes of suspended particulate matters are released due to
the construction activities. This not only affects the health of the construction workers on site but
also results in air pollution in the vicinity of the site. Through planning and implementation of
appropriate measures air pollution due to construction can be prevented or minimized.
Health and well-being section of the manual covers the following criteria of GRIHA.

Criterion 8 Provide minimum level of sanitation/safety facilities for construction workers
(2 points)

This suggests cleanliness of construction site with regard to the disposal of waste and effluent;
provision of clean drinking water and toilets (latrines and urinals) and provision of safety measures
as per applicable standards.

Criterion 9 Reduce air pollution during construction (2 points)

This suggests proper screening, covering stockpiles, covering brick and loads of dusty materials. It
also suggests wheel-washing facility and water spraying facility on site.

Structure of the manual

In the following volume each of the above mentioned criterion is expressed with a detail elaboration
of GRIHA-specific information as well as all the background information related to the criterion. All
the explanations for individual criterion have the following information.
# Introduction (issues related to the criteria and detrimental effects of bad practices on
# Solution (how to make sustainable/good practice)
# GRIHA-specific information (commitments, compliances, appraisal)
# Methodology (detailed analysis process)
# Guide to using the GRIHA online evaluation tool
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