Page 100 - GRIHA Manual Volume II - Introduction to National Rating System
P. 100
92 Griha Manual: Volume 2

keeps soil temperatures more moderate. Use mulches in flower and shrub beds to prevent water loss
from the soil through evaporation and to increase water penetration during irrigations. Re-mulch
as needed. Mulch but not over mulch. Mulch depth should ideally not exceed 7.5 cm. However, on
poorly drained soils, mulch depths should not exceed 5 cm, especially for shallow rooted plants. Wet
soils may not need any mulch. Coarser textured mulches can be placed a bit deeper due to better
oxygen diffusion into the soil.
Finer textured mulch, such as double shredded mulch, may need only a 2.5–5 cm layer.

Appropriate maintenance
Maintenance practices that add to the efficient use of water by plants are periodic checks of the
irrigation system, properly timed insect and disease control and elimination of water-demanding
weeds. Applying fertilizer to the lawn at the proper time and in proper amount can save time, effort
and money through reduced mowing and watering. Mowing grass at the proper height conserves
Fertilizers also can be a major source of pollution of streams and groundwater if excessive
amounts are applied.
Non-essential use of water implies a special responsibility to efficiently use the resource and to
protect its quality. Water conservation in the landscape does not mean planting a harsh cactus and
rock garden. It means common sense landscaping to protect water quality and quantity.

Landscape maintenance

A well-designed landscape can decrease maintenance by as much as 50% through reduced
mowing; once-a-year mulching; elimination of weak, unadapted plants; and more efficient watering

Xeriscapes generally require less frequent and intensive maintenance than traditional landscapes,
but they do require periodic attention to remain healthy, attractive and water efficient.
Newly installed xeriscapes often require regular maintenance for the first few years until the
plants are established. Nevertheless, a xeriscape landscape means low maintenance, but not zero
maintenance. Weed, prune, mow, mulch, irrigate and use pest control properly to keep your water-
wise garden beautiful. Appropriate maintenance preserves the beauty of the xeriscape landscape
plus saves water. A successful maintenance programme should include the following.
# Regular weed control before weeds become established, especially in newly planted xeriscapes.
# Seasonal pruning and fertilization schedule appropriate to your plants.

Of the large amounts of water applied to lawns and gardens, much of it is never absorbed by the
plants and put to use. Some water is lost to run-off by being applied too rapidly, and some water
evaporates from exposed, unmulched soil; but, the greatest waste of water is applying too much
too often.
In addition to over watering the plants, excess irrigation can leach nutrients deep into the soil
away from plant roots, increasing the chances of polluting groundwater. Similarly, run-off caused
by excess irrigation can carry polluting fertilizers and pesticides to streams and lakes. The waste or
pollution of high-quality water through inefficient irrigation practices can be eliminated through
proper watering techniques.
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