Page 31 - GRIHA Manual Volume II - Introduction to National Rating System
P. 31
Sustainable site planning 23


Step 1

Appraisal point 2.3.1 and 2.3.2 requires the project to follow proper timing of construction with
respect to rain and to confine construction activity to pre-designated areas.
Schedule the project in such as a manner as to avoid major construction activity during the
monsoon season. Activities that lead to erosion and sedimentation should be avoided during
monsoon. Activities such as the block work, interior finishing works, laying conduits and plumbing
can be carried out in the monsoons.

Examples of bad practices

Figure 9.1 Exposed iron rods and Figure 9.2 Construction material Figure 9.3 Waste generated on
harmful construction waste spread lying around existing trees on site site not managed properly, thus
all over site contaminating the site

Examples of good practices

Figure 10.1 Fencing around trees to protect existing mature trees on site.

Figure 10.2 Sedimentation basin for collecting, Figure 10.3 Construction materials stored
trapping, and storing sediment produced during inside separate bins
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