Page 90 - GRIHA Manual Volume II - Introduction to National Rating System
P. 90
82 GrIha Manual: Volume 2

Minimizing road lengths and widths increases the proportion of land available for flora and
fauna on site.
# Integrate new and proposed road networks into existing road networks and minimize new
interventions on site to as great an extent as possible.
# Limit the vehicular movement to a defined boundary to reduce fuel consumption, air pollution,
and noise pollution.
# Design sidewalks for only one side of the road. Providing for sidewalks on both sides of the roads
leads to greater disturbance on site and should not be done unless absolutely necessary. By
providing sidewalks on only one side of the road, use of resources for construction is reduced,
maintenance cost is reduced, and site disturbance is also reduced. Further, the widths of the
sidewalks should be minimized to meet the requirements and should not be designed in excess.
Eliminate sidewalks wherever possible.
# Keep roads and disturbed areas as far away from streams and water bodies as possible.
# Take measures to reduce the impact of roads on soil erosion. Roads increase the run-off volume
and speed from their surfaces, which leads to soil erosion in the surrounding areas. Provide for
appropriate channels for draining stormwater in order to minimize the soil erosion due to roads.
# Plan for alternative transportation strategies. Provide sufficient infrastructural facilities for eco-
friendly transportation on site. Provide provisions for bicycle parking, shaded footpaths, charging
points for electric cars, and so on.
# Replace use of vehicles for site circulation by providing for sufficient pedestrian circulation.

For utility corridors
# Create consolidated utility corridors on site. This reduces site disturbance and ensures that future
expansion and maintenance are simple and easy. It is easier to provide for future expansion of
site infrastructure when all utilities are consolidated into utility corridors. This would also ensure
that future expansion of utility corridors does not result into additional site disturbances.
# Align utility corridors along the existing and proposed circulation network in order to minimize
site disturbances.
# Use utility systems that minimize adverse impacts on the existing site conditions. For example using
gravity sewers requires the sewer systems to be designed such that they use the natural slope of
site. Gravity sewers reduce power consumption and provide a high level of comfort and hygiene.
# Designing multi-purpose pavements would reduce the site area covered by pavements and can
be used as consolidated utility corridors as well.
# Plan utilities along with landscape features in order to screen utilities wherever required and
ensure easy maintenance.
# Incorporate use of telecommuting strategies.

GRIHA-speciic information

To reduce site disruption due to laying, maintain utility lines, and minimize energy use by on-site
utilities to reduce transportation corridors on site, thus reducing the pollution loads.

7.1 Commitment
7.1.1 Design a site plan to minimize road length and building footprint. Shade all pedestrian
roads by vegetated roofs/any other shading devices.
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