Page 116 - GRIHA Manual Volume IV - Introduction to National Rating System
P. 116
Building planning and construction 107

Table 28.1 Testing of water quality before and after treatment
Parameter Before treatment After treatment
Dissolved oxygen (mg/litre)
Biological oxygen demand (mg/litre)
Total coliform bacteria (MPN/100 ml)
Total dissolved solids (mg/litre)
Chloride as chlorine (mg/litre)
Boron (mg/litre)
Sulphates (mg/litre)
Arsenic (mg/litre)
Fluorides (mg/litre)
Iron (mg/litre)
Copper (mg/litre)
Lead (mg/litre)

Table 28.2 Annual testing plan and frequency (potable water)
Date Volume of Sample collection Test laboratory
sample(ml) site Name
Inlet Outlet Other

28.3 Appraisal (Mandatory 2 points)
28.3.1 Water quality confirming to IS standards, as per clauses 28.2.1-28.2.5 (Mandatory 2

Guide to use GRIHA online evaluation tool

Below is a snapshot of the GRIHA Criterion 28 template for a project. As soon as the user clicks
on the box, the related compliance documents get ticked automatically bringing to the notice
of the user all the required documentation.
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