Page 113 - GRIHA Manual Volume IV - Introduction to National Rating System
P. 113
104 Griha Manual: Volume 4

BIS 10 5000 standards for drinking water
Essential characteristics

Table 1
Sr. no Characteristic Requirement. (desirable) Permissible limit in the absence
of an alternative source
1. Color-Hazen units. maximum 25
2 Odour Unobjectionable Unobjectionable
1. Taste Agreeable Agreeable
4. Turbiditv,Ntu,Max 5 10
5. pH value 6.5 to 8.5 No relaxation
6. Total hardness as CaCo 3 .mg/1 300 600
1. Iron as Fe,max mg/1 0.3 1.0
8. Chlorides as Cl. max mg/1 250 1000
9. Residual free chlorine as Cl. 0.2 --

Desirable characteristics

10. Dissolved solids, mg/1. max 500 2000
11. Calcium as Ca. mg/1, max 75 200
12. Copper as Cu, mg/l,max 0.05 1.5
13. Manganese as Mn, mg/1, max 0.10 0.3
14. Sulphate as So 4 , mg/1,max 200 400
15. Nitrate as No 3 ,mg/1,max 45 100
16. Fluoride as F. mg/1,max 1.5 1.9
17 Phenolic compounds, mg/1it. max 0.001 0.002
IS. Mercury as Hg, mg/1 lit max 0.001 No relaxation
19. Cadmium as Cd. mg/1it, max 0.01 No relaxation
20. Selenium as Se. mg/1it, max 0.01 No relaxation
21. Arsenic as As. mg/1it, max 0.01 No relaxation
22. Cyanide as Cn mg/1it,max 0.05 No relaxation
23. Lead as Pb. mg/1it, max 0.05 No relaxation
24. Zinc as Zn. mg/1it,max 5.0 No relaxation
25. Anionic detergents, mg/1it,max 0.2 1 0
26. Chromium as Cr. mg/1it, max 0.05 No relaxation
27. Polynuclear Hydro carbons -
28. Mineral oil. mg/1it max 0.01 0.03
29. Pesticides mg/1itm max Absent 0.001
30. Alkalinity, mg/1it, max 200 600
31. Aluminum as Al. mg/1it, max 0.03 0.2
32. Boron as B. me/lit, max 1.0 5.0
Bacteriological standards

a) For water entering a distribution system: Coliform count in any sample of 100 ml should be
zero (0).
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