Page 13 - GRIHA Manual Volume IV - Introduction to National Rating System
P. 13
4 Griha Manual: Volume 4

regular monitoring and poor operation and maintenance practices result in deterioration in the
performance level of the building systems. Thus, to ensure that a building that has been designed
green also performs as a green building, it is imperative to regularly monitor all building systems
and have appropriate operation and maintenance practices in place.

Criterion 32: Audit and validation (Mandatory: No points)
This suggests validation of the performance of the energy and environmental systems in the
building as predicted during the design and development stage.

Criterion 33: Building operation and maintenance (Mandatory 2 points)
This suggests regular monitoring of the building’s energy and water consumption and
implementation of appropriate operation and maintenance programme to ascertain efficient
functioning of the building’s systems.
Structure of the manual

This volume consists of detailed information on each of the GRIHA criterion mentioned above.
Information on each criterion follows the structure given below.
• Introduction (issues related to the criteria and detrimental effects of bad practices on the
• Solution (how to make sustainable/good practice)
• GRIHA-specific information (commitments, compliances, appraisal)
• Methodology (detailed analysis process)
• Guide to use GRIHA online evaluation tool
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