Page 48 - GRIHA Manual Volume IV - Introduction to National Rating System
P. 48
Building planning and construction 39

CRIteRIon 17

use low-eneRGy

MAteRIAl In InteRIoRs


Wood has the lowest embodied energy. However, growth in construction rate has increased the
demand for wood, and in order to meet this demand forests around the world are being torn down.
Forests act as natural carbon sinks and help absorb CO emitted through anthropogenic activities.
Depletion of the forest cover reduces our natural carbon sink. Large scale depletion of forest cover
also leads to destruction of eco-systems, modification of micro-climatic conditions, and soil erosion.
In order to meet the current demand for wood, forests are being destroyed at a rate faster than the
rate at which they can replenish.


Usually a large quantity of wood is used in the interior works of buildings. In order to retain the
forests, it is required to find suitable alternatives for wood; also materials with low-embodied energy
should be used in interiors.

Key characteristics of materials with low-embodied energy
# The raw materials used for manufacturing the products should be renewable.
# The raw materials used for manufacturing products should have minimal detrimental impact on
the environment.
# The manufacturing process should have minimal detrimental impact on the environment in
terms of land, water pollution, damage to ecosystems, and so on.
# The waste from the manufacturing process should be reused as a raw material in another product.
# Part of the raw materials should have recycled content.
# The raw materials and the final product should be non-toxic in nature.
# The products should be durable and should require low-maintenance.
# The product should generate minimum waste during their manufacturing.

recycled content in products can be classified under following two separate groups
# Pre-consumer/post-industrial recycled content: Pre-consumer recycled content consists of waste,
scrap, and so on, which is produced as a result of the manufacturing process.

# Post-consumer recycled content: Post-consumer products are those, which are disposed off at
the end of their useful life. These products are be reused as raw materials in the manufacturing
process. Products, which utilize such waste content are considered to have ‘post-consumer
recycled content’.
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