Page 68 - GRIHA Manual Volume IV - Introduction to National Rating System
P. 68
Building planning and construction 59

Parameter Before treatment After treatment
Dissolved oxygen (mg/litre) – –
Biological oxygen demand (mg/litre) <100
Total coliform bacteria (MPN/100 ml) – –
Total dissolved solids (mg/litre) – <1000
Chloride as chlorine (mg/litre) – <500
Colour – –
Boron (mg/litre) – –
Sulphates (mg/litre) – <500
pH – –
Arsenic (mg/litre) – –
Fluorides (mg/litre) – <2
Iron (mg/litre) – –
Copper (mg/litre) – –
Lead (mg/litre) – –
Sulphides – <2
Oil and grease 10 <12
TSS 200 <20
COD 250 <100
Total residual chlorine – <1

Annual testing plan and frequency
Date Volume of Sample collection Test laboratory Name
sample(ml) site
Inlet Outlet Other (eg:
Quaterly 1000 STP STP To be facilitated
by Ion
Exchange India

The sludge removed at regular intervals is stored in the sludge storage compartment for a period of three months, which is then used as
fertilizer after dewatering.
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