Page 64 - GRIHA Manual Volume IV - Introduction to National Rating System
P. 64
Building planning and construction 55

the capital cost and running cost of a UASBR-based treatment plant are significantly less than for
a fully aerobic treatment plant.
# Once a UASBR has been put in operation, acclimatized bacteria can survive without food in the
reactor for long durations. This enables easy startup of the UASBR after prolonged periods of
being out of operation.
# UASBR is a noiseless, closed, and covered unit that is aesthetically very satisfying.

The UASBR comprises no mechanical or moving part involving wear and tear. Thus, it is virtually
maintenance free and involves few operational problems. When properly designed and made, a
UASBR provides trouble-free service for many years.
4. Rotary Biological Contactors (Decentralized)

Also called biodiscs, these systems have a series of high surface area plastic discs mounted on a
horizontal shaft, driven slowly by a motor. A biofilm develops on the discs surface when they are
dipped into the wastewater. As they move, the biofilm is exposed to air, which provides oxygen for
aerobic degradation of the sewage.

5. Activated Sludge Package Plants
These systems are a combination of several processes. The first stage is aerating the incoming
wastewater. The oxygen is rapidly used to degrade organic matter and this process creates a slurry
having micro-organisms in the most rapid phase of growth. The slurry is allowed to settle, separating
the active microbes as sludge from the comparatively clean effluent. A proportion of this sludge is
introduced in the incoming wastewater. The microbes present in this sludge activate the incoming
sludge. The remaining sludge accumulates sand and must be eventually removed.

6. Cyclic Activated Sludge Process and Membrane Bioreactor
These technologies have been developed and promoted by Ion Exchange (India) Ltd. The cyclic
activated sludge process is a cyclic activated wastewater treatment process, whereby carbon oxidation,
nitrification, denitrification, and bio-phosphorous removal are carried out simultaneously. The plant
is a single packaged unit, with minimum civil work and pretreatment requirements and low energy
consumption (<0.30 kWh/m ). It is a compact system and can be used for decentralized installations.

Figure 4 Sample ENZOTECH STP Figure 5 Sample INDION NGPSTP (
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