Page 92 - GRIHA Manual Volume IV - Introduction to National Rating System
P. 92
Building planning and construction 83

CRIteRIon 24

stoRAGe And dIsposAl of



In most cases, all waste matter is mixed at the household level and collected by the municipal
authority in trucks with no provision for separate collection. It is also observed that in cases where
on-site (at the household, office, shop, department level) segregation of waste is practiced, absence
of proper channels for processing the same leads to the municipal workers (who are not aware
about proper waste management) once again mixing the waste streams and dumping it together
into open landfills.
Often, in buildings with single garbage shoots, household level segregation fails, since
the collection truck puts all the garbage bags into a single container and passes it on to the
municipal authorities.
All the waste collected in a segregated manner finds its way to the landfill/dump site
again creating an environmental hazard for the people exposed to the same and the ecology
surrounding it.


In addition to the segregation of wastes at the source, it is essential to provide for their storage
before the appropriate disposal. This includes transportation to the following.
# Recycling centres
# Common collection centre of the local municipality
# Decentralized system in the locality

The storage facility should not create any unhygienic conditions. The capacity of the facility should
be designed so as to accommodate the entire waste from the building depending on the population,
the type of waste generated, and the frequency of waste removed from the site.
The design and engineering team may include a double-shoot system for organic and inorganic
waste disposal and collection. Such a system ensures that the trucks that come to clear the shoots
do not mix the waste streams and they are sent into appropriate disposal/recycling processes.
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