Page 93 - GRIHA Manual Volume IV - Introduction to National Rating System
P. 93
84 Griha Manual: Volume 4

GRIHA speciic information


To prevent the mixing up of segregated waste before processing or disposal.

24.1 Commitment
24.1.1 Allocate a separate space for the collected wasted before transferring it to the recycling
/ disposal stations.

24.2 Compliance
The following documents are to be submitted
24.2.1 Narrative along with photographs/plan indicating space, locations, and capacity of the
storage area.
24.3 Appraisal (maximum points – 1)

24.3.1 Provision of space for hygienic storage of segregated waste, as per clause 24.2 (1 point)


First, estimate the quantum of waste (based on different waste types) that is being generated from
the building/all the buildings. The space allocated should have the capacity to store the entire
quantity of waste generated.
Based on the percentage composition of municipal solid waste in India, one can determine the
sizes of the storage areas. However, in office areas, depending on the kind of activity undertaken,
the waste types shall vary. This needs to be accounted for while planning and designing.
Second, find out about the frequency of waste clearance and collection by the authority and
municipal body. This shall help in designing the actual size of the waste storage facility. At times, the
collection authority fails to collect the waste for a few days, and this leads to spillage, foul smell, and
discomfort for the building occupants. The same should be taken into account while designing the
storage facility.
Third, clearly demarcate the areas for different types of waste so that no mixing of streams occurs.
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