Page 112 - GRIHA Manual Volume II - Introduction to National Rating System
P. 112
104 Griha Manual: Volume 2


Monthly evapotranspiration rate (ET ): The potential evapotranspiration rate (PET) is the climate
factor, refers to the amount of water required by the plant for healthy growth (depending on the
climate). Evapotranspiration rate determines the rate at which plants lose water through evaporation.
It is affected by humidity and temperature at a given time. These rates vary with the season and
are different for different months. The data is available with the Indian Meteorological Department
for different stations. The data can be procured from Additional Director General of Meteorology
(Research), Shivaji Nagar, Pune – 411 005.
Canopy area is the area covered by shrubs, grass covers, and for trees it is the plan view and is
assumed as 25 m per tree.

The plant factors are categorized as
1 lawns, lush ground covers
0.7 newly planted native plants, exotic plants
0.4 plants native to the areas
0 native trees on natural earth

Irrigation system efficiency is the ability of an irrigation system to deliver water to plants
without any water loss. The irrigation system efficiencies for various kind of system are given in
Table 1.
The landscape water demand is calculated post stabilization(maturity) of plants (assumed to
be 2 years).

Guide to use GRIHA online evaluation tool

Depending on the points attempted in a project, click on the relevant boxes in ‘Goals’ section. Given
below is a snapshot of the GRIHA Criterion 10 template for a project where all three points are being

The following snapshots show samples of supporting documents that are required to be
submitted. The documents and drawings can be uploaded using the online tool.
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