Page 117 - GRIHA Manual Volume II - Introduction to National Rating System
P. 117
health and well-being 109

CRIteRIon 8

pRovIde MInIMuM level of

SAnItAtIon/SAfety fACIlItIeS

foR ConStRuCtIon woRkeRS


The National Building Code 2005 of India lists various guidelines to be followed for health and safety
of construction workers. However, most of these recommended practices are not followed and
adopted on sites.
Workers and their families usually live in dilapidated conditions. The residential quarters
constructed for them neither have any provision to allow for daylight to enter nor any provision
for ventilation. Since these living quarters are usually made from metal sheets, spaces inside them
are extremely hot during summers and living conditions become unbearable. There is usually no
provision for clean drinking water for the workers and their families. Sanitary conditions on site for
workers are also quite poor and unhygienic.
The construction workers are usually not provided with all requisite safety equipment like
safety boots, helmets, gloves, and goggles. There are no warning signs provided around dangerous
equipment and heavy machinery. Safety harnesses and nets at higher floors are usually missing.
Unhealthy living and sanitary conditions have adverse impacts on the health of the construction
workers and their families.


# Follow the various guidelines laid down in the National Building Code 2005 for construction
safety for construction workers.

# Follow the various guidelines laid down in the National Building Code 2005 for health and
sanitation facilities for workers residing on site.
# Ensure regular maintenance and repair of heavy machinery, lifts, hoists, lift equipment and
other equipment. Maintain them in good working condition.
# Provide warning and safety signs as appropriate across the site.
# Ensure the safety nets and harnesses are provided for construction workers working on higher
floors. Ensure that the walking boards and formwork are stable.
# Provide safety equipment like safety helmets, jackets, boots, and gloves.
# Provide fire extinguishers on site.
# Provide sufficient light for workers to work safely at night.
# The construction company should develop safety policies and ensure their implementation.
# NBC good practices recommendations:
• Provide a minimum illumination level of 100 lux for work on site during night.
• Provide overhead protection against falling materials.
• Helmets, conforming to accepted standards, should be worn properly at all times.
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