Page 56 - GRIHA Manual Volume III - Introduction to National Rating System
P. 56
Building and system design optimization 49

Guide to use GRIHA online evaluation tool

First, the online user (client/assigned consultant) needs to log in to the project detail sheet of the
given project and click on ‘attempt’ of Criterion 13. The detailed Criterion sheet will appear with the
complete list of goals and compliances. On this page, one can see that while the maximum points to
be attempted are 8, points attempted is 0. This means that none of the goals have been selected for
this Criterion. The moment we click on any of the goals, one pop-up screen will appear and highlight
the submittals linked with this particular goal, and all the required compliances will be automatically
checked. The next step would be to go to the individual compliances and upload the respective files
in the recommended format, by clicking the ‘browse’ button. For some of the compliances where
calculation is required (such as WWR and SRR calculation, daylight calculation or the artificial lighting
calculation) the respective tables with embedded calculator are also attached with the compliance.
Click on the ‘click for calculation sheet’ and the respective calculators will appear. After feeding in
certain initial information, rest of the calculated result will appear automatically.
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