Page 105 - GRIHA Manual Volume IV - Introduction to National Rating System
P. 105
96 Griha Manual: Volume 4


In order to ensure that the materials have low VOC content, relevant documents, and certificates
should be collected from the manufacturers and suppliers. The bill of quantity should reflect 100%
use of material with zero or no VOC content.

Guide to use GRIHA online evaluation tool

Depending on the number of points that are being attempted in a project, click on the relevant
boxes in the goals section. Below is a snapshot of the GRIHA Criterion 26 template for a project.
As soon as the user clicks on the box, the related compliance documents get ticked automatically
bringing to the notice of the user the provision of all the required documentation.
Compliance 26.2.1 requires scanned cut sheets, specification sheets, and commercial brochures
of the low VOC-emission finishes or products used in the building.
Compliance 26.2.2 requires a declaration from the manufacturer for each of the category of
material, clearly stating that the materials used have no VOC or low VOC (grams/litre), as specified
in Table 26.1.
Compliance 26.2.3 requires the bill of quantity for each of the category of material as applicable
to demonstrate that 100% of all the interior paints, sealants, adhesives, composite wood /agri-fiber
products meet the required mentioned criteria.
   100   101   102   103   104   105   106   107   108   109   110