Page 34 - GRIHA Manual Volume IV - Introduction to National Rating System
P. 34
Building planning and construction 25

Revision of basic Indian Standard Design Code for Plain and Reinforced Concrete (IS 456:2000).
This revised code lays emphasis on the use of PPC/fly ash in concrete in aggressive environmental
Revision of Indian Standard on ‘Specification for fly ash for use as Pozzolana and Admixture’ (IS
Standard has been updated keeping in view technology changes leading to generation of better
quality of fly ashes and their wider applications. In the revised standard, the concept of improvement
of fly ash properties through beneficiation/segregation/processing has also been introduced.

Quality and speciications
The fly ash used shall conform to specification for fly ash for use as Pozzolana and Admixture to IS
3812: 2003. Moreover, percentage replacement of cement with fly ash in concrete shall not exceed
the acceptable limits and exposure conditions conforming to IS 456: 2000. Portland Pozzolana
cement (fly ash based) should conform to IS 1489 (part 1) 1991.
Certificate by authorized structural engineer that structural integrity of the construction is
conforming to the structural standards as prescribed in IS Codes.

GRIHA speciic information


To use low-embodied energy industrial waste fly ash as the construction material. Fly ash, an
industrial waste having the properties of cement and very low-embodied energy, is used in
combination with cements that are high in embodied energy.

15.1 Commitment
15.1.1 RC (reinforced concrete) (including ready-mix concrete) to make use of fly ash by using
PPC (Portland pozzolona cement) containing fly ash. A minimum of 15% replacement of
cement with fly ash in PPC (by weight of the cement used) in the overall RC for meeting
the equivalent strength requirements.
15.1.2 Use fly ash in building blocks for the walls. Use of fly ash-based bricks/blocks (such as
Fla-G stabilized, fly ash-lime bricks, load bearing, and non-load bearing fly ash-based
concrete blocks, CLC blocks, and AAC blocks) in both 100% of load-bearing and non-
load-bearing wall systems, which utilizes a minimum of 40% of fly ash by volume of
materials used for the total walling system in the building.
15.1.3 Use fly ash in plaster/masonry mortar by employing PPC. Use plaster and/or masonry
mortar, which utilizes a minimum of 30% of fly ash in PPC, in 100% wall/ceiling finishes
and wall construction, meeting the required structural properties.
15.2 Compliance

The following documents should be submitted.
15.2.1 Fly ash use in RC: Minimum 15% replacement of cement with fly ash by weight of
cement used in the total structural concrete. Provide supporting document from the
manufacturer of the cement specifying the fly ash content in PPC used in reinforced
15.2.2 For use of fly ash in building blocks of load bearing and non-load bearing wall: Minimum
40% replacement of cement with fly ash by volume of materials, for 100% load bearing
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