Page 35 - GRIHA Manual Volume IV - Introduction to National Rating System
P. 35
26 Griha Manual: Volume 4

and non-load bearing walls. Provide supporting document from the manufacturer of
the pre-cast building blocks specifying the fly ash content of the blocks used in an infill
wall system.
15.2.3 For use of fly ash in plaster and masonry mortar: Minimum 30% use of fly ash in place
of cement by weight in overall plaster and mortar requirement. Provide supporting
document from the manufacturer of the cement/ready mix concrete, specifying the fly
ash content in PPC used in plaster and masonry mortar.
15.2.4 Certificate from the architect specifying overall replacement of cement in the RC, pre-
cast building blocks plaster, and masonry in specified format (in prescribed certificate

15.3 Appraisal (maximum points-6)
15.3.1 Minimum 15% replacement of Portland cement with fly ash by weight of cement
used in structural concrete, as per clause 15.2.1 – 1 point (additional 1 point if more
than 30%).
15.3.2 Minimum 40% utilization of fly ash by volume of materials, for 100% load bearing and
non-load bearing walls, as per clause 15.2.2 – 2 points.
15.3.3 Certify minimum 30% replacement of OPC with fly ash in plaster/masonry mortar, as
per clause 15.2.3 – 2 points.


# Use PPC mixed with additional fly ash to meet the requirements of the Compliance 15.2.1.
# Use building blocks with at least 40% fly ash by volume of materials to meet the requirements
of Compliance 15.2.2.
# Use PPC mixed with additional fly ash to meet the requirements of the Compliance 15.2.3.

Figure 1 shows a sample of manufacturer certificate specifying the quantity of fly ash in PPC.

Figure 1 Manufacturer certiicate specifying the quantity of ly ash in PPC procured from them.
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