Page 41 - GRIHA Manual Volume IV - Introduction to National Rating System
P. 41
32 Griha Manual: Volume 4

Plasters (15 mm thick)

1. Cement sand plaster 1:6 cement, sand m 2 30
2. Lime surkhi sand plaster 1:3 lime surkhi m 2 91
3. White wash 2 coats m 2 1
1. Reinforced cement concrete (100 mm) 1:2:4 cement, sand, aggregate m 2 523
2. Reinforced brick concrete (150 mm) 1:3 cement sand mortar m 2 592
3. Sandstone rooing (25 mm thick stone) Pre-cast RCC beams m 2 196
1. Lime concrete on rammed earth 1:2:6 lime, surkhi, brick ballast m 3 7477
2. Plain cement concrete 1:2:4 cement, sand, aggregate m 3 1465
1. Plain cement concrete (25 mm thick) 1:2:4 stone aggregates m 2 94
2. Stone on cement sand mortar (25 mm 1:5 cement sand aggregates m 2 70
Source TERI’s Knowledge Bank/Energy for Building, Improving energy eficiency in construction and in the production of building
materials in developing countries, United Nations Centre for Human Settlements (Habitat), Nairobi, 1991.

Table 4 Energy Intensity of different wall assemblies
Wall Assembly Material Unit Quantity MJ/unit Total energy MJ
per m 2
Solid bricks, 115 mm, Bricks Number 56 4.27 430
plastered on both sides Cement Bags 0.47 400
Sand m 3 0.07
Hollow concrete blocks, Cement Bags 0.42 400 235
100 mm, plastered on Sand m 3 0.07 420
both sides Lime m 3 0.005 7000
Aerated concrete Cement Bags 0.4 400 197
blocks, 100 mm, Sand m 3 0.36
plastered on both sides Lime m 3 0.005 7000
Stone masonry, 100 Cement Bags 0.385 157 178
mm, plastered on both Sand m 3 0.34 420
sides Stone m 3 0.05
Source: TERI’s Knowledge Bank/Energy for Building, Improving energy eficiency in construction and in the production of building
materials in developing countries, United Nations Centre for Human Settlements (Habitat), Nairobi, 1991.

Table 5 Energy intensity of various rooing systems
Roof system Roof type Total MJ/m 2
Reinforced concrete slab Flat 522
Reinforced brick concrete slab Flat 489
Pre-cast concrete cored unit Flat 427
Pre-cast concrete channel unit Flat 357
Corrugated galvanized iron sheets (30 gauge) Pitched 605
Clay tiles (12.5 mm) Pitched 158
Concrete tiles Pitched 72

Source: TERI’s Knowledge Bank/Energy for Building, Improving energy eficiency in construction and in the production of building
materials in developing countries, United Nations Centre for Human Settlements (Habitat), Nairobi, 1991.
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