Page 98 - GRIHA Manual Volume IV - Introduction to National Rating System
P. 98
Building planning and construction 89

stage generates biogas from liquefied waste (Figure 1). The digested residue from the first
phase is enriched manure.

2. ASTRA plug low reactor (PFR) projects implemented by TIDE

Technology Informatics Design Endeavour (TIDE) has constructed bioreactors for producing
energy and resources from various types of organic wastes including municipal solid
wastes, leaf litter, kitchen wastes, and coffee pulping effluents. For the treatment of the
organic fraction of the municipal solid waste, it is important that well segregated waste
comes in adequate quantity to the treatment site. Eight modules in three locations have
been constructed in three locations for the treatment of municipal solid waste. Kitchen
waste-based bioreactors have been demonstrated in a couple of places in Bangalore and
40 modules of coffee bioreactors have been constructed in 15 coffee estates.

3. ARTI compact biogas plant
The compact plants are made from cut-down high-density polythene (HDPE) water tanks,
which are adapted using a heat gun and standard HDPE piping. The standard plant uses
two tanks, with volumes of typically 0.75 m and 1 m . The smaller tank is the gas holder
and is inverted over the larger one which holds the mixture of decomposing feedstock and
water (slurry). An inlet is provided for adding feedstock, and an overflow for removing the
digested residue.
This contains a much smaller amount of solid matter than the residue from a manure-
based plant, and ARTI recommends that the liquid is mixed with the feedstock and recycled
into the plant.

4. Sardar Patel Renewable Energy Research Institute (SPRERI)

The functionality of the SPRERI plant is described based on the case study in Anand, Gujarat,
where vegetable market waste is converted into biogas and compost. The treatment
process is divided into several treatment steps.
First, the delivered waste gets manually sorted on a platform. After being sorted, the
waste is shredded and with the means of a belt conveyer, fed into a so called acid reactor.
Within the acid reactor, the waste gets percolated in order to dissolve organics that are
flushed away into a sump tank. After a while (retention time is not known) the residual waste
is disposed off into a residue trolley that serves as transport vehicle to the composting yard.
Further, the organic rich liquid, which percolates in the sump tank is pumped into
a gastight anaerobic filter where the degradation of organics is taking place. Biogas is
produced, stored at the top, and then pressed into the close-by gas holder.
From there the biogas can be used as energy resource for various purposes, such as for
cooking or electricity production.
Space allocation guidelines

Depending on the type of treatment method adopted, space is required. To estimate the space
requirements, it is essential to calculate the approximate quantity of organic and inorganic waste
generation from the facility depending on the function of the building.
To arrive at the estimate of total waste generation following norms could be adopted, in case any
other established norms are not available.
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