Page 99 - GRIHA Manual Volume IV - Introduction to National Rating System
P. 99
90 Griha Manual: Volume 4

Table 1 Waste generation norms for different types of facilities
Facilities Provided Waste Generation Norms
Residential 0.33 kg/Capita/day
Mall with Multiplex 2.4 kg/100 sq. m.
Hotel 1.1 kg/room/day
School 0.05 kg/Capita/day
Hospital 0.38 kg/bed/day Biomedical Waste
1.25 kg/bed/day General hospital waste
Community Facilities - Other commercial areas 0.038 kg/sq.m./day

Once, the estimated total waste and organic waste has been arrived at, one can choose the
technology type based on various factors/constraints. Depending on the technology chose, space
required for treatment varies.
For instance, composting by use of deep-burrow earthworms require 1 sq. m for 1 kg of waste or
7 potted plants per household.
Use of additives like EM/OS1 requires 200 sq. m of space for every ton of waste.
In case of commercially available prefabricated digesters like BIOTECH, space requirement varies
from 1 cu m to 6 cu m for 2 -20 kg of organic solid waste per day.

GRIHA speciic information


To maximize the recovery of resources from the recyclable and biodegradable waste and reduce
the burden on landfills.

25.1 Commitment

25.1.1 Employ resource recovery systems for biodegradable waste as per the Solid Waste
Management and Handling Rules, 2000 of the MoEF.
25.1.1 Arrangement for recycling of waste through local dealers

25.2 Compliance

The following documents are to be submitted.
25.2.1 Narrative indicating the plan and arrangement with local dealers for recycling of
materials generated
25.2.2 Details of plan and design of the waste treatment plant along with capacity for the
disposal of biodegradable waste
25.2.3 Narrative indicating the generation and reuse of by-products from the waste treatment

25.3 Appraisal (maximum points – 2)
25.3.1. Zero waste generation through appropriate resource recovery measures as per clauses
25.2.1, 25.2.2, and 25.2.3 (2 points)
   94   95   96   97   98   99   100   101   102   103   104