Page 65 - GRIHA Manual Volume V - Introduction to National Rating System
P. 65
58 Griha Manual: Volume 5

Table 13.4 Format for SHGC calculation
Solar SHGC of ECBC
Number Window heat gain Shading dimensions jection plication the fenes- recomm-
Type of Window type of dimension in mm coeficient in mm factor factor tration SHGC
of the
spaces (air windows proposed (PF) (M) (Glass (Refer
conditioned glazing SHGC x Table13.1)
/ non air (SHGC as MF)
conditioned) per manu- Depth of Depth
Orientation Nomenclature * Height Width cut sheet) horizontal vertical
Note Space name should be same as in architectural drawing and AC/non-AC spaces should be segregated. Use the SHGC calculator to calculate the
adjusted SHGC as recommended by the ECBC-2007.

13.2.6 Submit the calculated daylighted area in the following format (tables 13.6 and 13.7) to
show that the total daylighted area is > 25% of the living area of the proposed building
(as specified in table 13.2) and provide the calculated df in the format for daylight factor
calculation (table 13.8) to demonstrate that df for all the living areas is in compliance with
iS: 2440-1975.

Table 13.6 Format for calculation of daylighted area under vertical fenestration (vision
window, daylight window, and so on)
Type of Area living Respective Number of Window Window width Daylighted area Total daylighted
living space (in m ) fenestration windows height in m in m (W) in m (A = 2H x W area (Axn)
space type (n) (H) + 2mt

Table 13.7 Format for calculation of daylighted area under horizontal fenestration (skylight, monitor, saw tooth, and so on)
Type of Area Respective Number of Length of Width Floor to Total Total Total
living of the fenestration H-fenestration aperture of the ceiling daylighted daylighted daylighted
space space type (n) in m (L) aperture height in area for area for area for
(in m ) in m (W) m (H) skylight monitor saw tooth
(L+2H) X (L+3H) X (L+3H) X
(W+2H) (W+3H) (W+2H)

Note Spaces mentioned here are only the regularly occupied spaces that can allow/beneit from daylight integration. In case of
overlapping of spaces, the daylighted area should be included once calculating total daylighted area.

Table13.8 Format for daylight factor calculation (under revision)
Type of living Area of the Respective Visible light Effective Calculated DF at Recommended
space space ( m ) window area transmittance of daylighted area the centre of the DF as per SP41
(m ) 2 the glazing (under vertical+ daylighted area
horizontal (using daylight
fenestration) simulation tools)

Note All the daylight simulation should be done on a work-plane of 600–900 mm height from inish loor level and under a design
sky condition (as mentioned above).
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