Page 64 - GRIHA Manual Volume V - Introduction to National Rating System
P. 64
Evaluation procedure 57

1. Cold climate – 6800 lux
2. Composite climate – 8000 lux
3. warm-humid – 9000 lux
4. temperate – 9000 lux
5. hot-dry – 10 500 lux

for integration with artificial lighting during daytime working hours, an increase of 500 lux in the
recommended sky design illuminance for daylighting is suggested. (Source nbC-2005).
13.1.5 Perform artificial lighting simulation to demonstrate that the lighting levels in indoor
spaces are maintained as recommended in nbC-2005 (biS 2005d).
13.2 Compliance

the following documents should be submitted.

13.2.1 Site plan giving north line, all the building plans with internal layout showing all functional
spaces and interior layout, four-side elevations, building sections and fenestration details
(if available). (the drawings shall be referred to during post-occupation review).
13.2.2 Perform a sun path analysis for each exposed fenestration or use shading norms
(prescribed in tables 9 and 10 of handbook on functional requirements of
buildings (other than industrial buildings) to demonstrate the optimum shading
13.2.3 detailed window and skylight schedule of the proposed building.

13.2.4 Submit the detailed calculation in the prescribed format for wwr and/ or format for
Srr; to demonstrate the percentage of vertical fenestration on gross wall area and/ or
percentage of horizontal fenestration on gross roof area (refer tables 13.3 and 13.4).

Table 13.3 Format for calculation of WWR
Façade orientation Vertical fenestration Number of window Window area in m Wall area in m WWR
type (window (L x B) (of the respective
nomenclature) orientation)

Table 13.4 Format for calculation of SRR

Horizontal fenestration type (skylight or Number of openings Area of openings in m 2 Roof area in m SRR
saw-tooth or monitor, and so on) (L x B)

13.2.5 Provide the calculated ShgC in the prescribed format (table 13.5) for the above-
mentioned window details to support that all proposed fenestration meet the ShgC
requirement as prescribed in eCbC-2007.
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