Page 73 - GRIHA Manual Volume V - Introduction to National Rating System
P. 73
66 Griha Manual: Volume 5

Table 14.8 Unmet comfort conditions for non-air-conditioned area
Total occupied hours in a year
Total number of dissatisied hours in a year
Dissatisied hours as percentage of occupied hours

14.3 Appraisal (Maximum points – 16)

14.3.1 Compliance with eCbC-2007 as per clause 14.1.1. (6 points mandatory)
14.3.2 Compliance with thermal comfort conditions as per nbC-2005 as per clause 14.1.2 and
achievement of benchmark for energy performance index (ePi) as per clause 14.1.5 or
14.1.6 or 14.1.7. (2 points mandatory)
14.3.3 every 10% reduction in ePi of the building under a specified category shall fetch
additional 2 points to a maximum of 8 points (40% reductions in ePi from the
benchmark) - (2–8 points)

l an hourly calculation shall be performed using standard building energy simulation software (such as trnSyS, visual doe,
equeSt and energy plus, and so on) to predict the energy performance. an hourly weather file shall be generated using weather
data, acceptable by the indian Society for heating refrigeration and air-conditioning engineers (iShrae).
l hourly temperature and relative humidity shall be calculated for non-airconditioned building using simulation software by
feeding hourly weather file to calculate percentage of comfort hours.
l Softcopy of simulation files shall be submitted.
l adarSh shall vet all the calculations carried out by the energy consultant.
l day use buildings perform between 9 am and 5 pm, for five days a week.
l the nbC-2005 will be referred to for the definition of climatic zones.

Evaluation procedure

Appraisal 14.3.1
Compliance with energy Conservation building Code 2007 as per clause 14.1.1 (6 points mandatory)

Required documentation

1) a narrative and drawings from the architect/services consultant along with manufacture
cut sheets, describing compliance of the building with the mandatory provisions (clause
4.2, 5.2, 6.2, 7.2, and 8.2) of the energy Conservation building Code 2007 of the bee,
government of india.

Review checklist
1) review the narrative and drawings to check the compliance of the building with the
mandatory provisions (criteria 4.2, 5.2, 6.2, 7.2, and 8.2) of the energy Conservation building
Code 2007, bee.
2) review manufacturer’s cut sheets for glass to check if the effective ShgC of the fenestration
(accounting for glazing, overhangs and/or vertical fins) is compliant with the maximum
ShgC requirement prescribed by eCbC 2007.
3) review manufacturer’s cut sheets for chiller to check if the minimum CoP is as per table 5.2
of eCbC 2007. Check that the chiller CoP is as per ari conditions and not as per operating
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