Page 88 - GRIHA Manual Volume V - Introduction to National Rating System
P. 88
Evaluation procedure 81

CRIteRIon 18

RenewAble eneRy


GRIHA-speciic information


to use renewable energy sources in buildings to reduce the use of conventional/fossil-fuel-
based energy resources.

18.1 Commitment
18.1.1 renewable energy system (solar, wind, biomass, fuel cells, and so on) with a rated
capacity of a minimum 1% of internal lighting load (for general lighting*) and space-
conditioning or its equivalent is installed on site. Calculations of energy requirements
shall be based on realistic assumptions, which are subject to verification.
18.1.2 on-site renewable energy system sized to meet the minimum of the above load feasibility
of the proposed renewable energy system to be verified by a competent authority.
Note: internal lighting load is the total connected load in kw (kilowatts) for lighting equipment (lamp and accessories). in case it is
proposed to use renewable energy sources for applications other than lighting, the Criterion of energy consumption equivalent
of energy consumption of 1% of lighting load (for general lighting*) and space-conditioning should still be met. This shall,
however, exclude the water heating loads for which a separate Criterion is applicable.
18.2 Compliance
the following documents should be submitted.
18.2.1 detailed listing of connected load for lighting and space-conditioning in the prescribed
18.2.2 Calculation of connected load for lighting and energy requirement for the same.
18.2.3 list of all loads that are being powered by renewable energy sources (other than
lighting load) and their energy requirements.
18.2.4 design calculations for renewable energy-system sizing and performance, including
annual energy generation.
18.2.5 Cut sheets of renewable energy systems with necessary details.
18.2.6 drawings in Cad format to show location of renewable energy systems.
18.3 Appraisal (maximum points – 5)

18.3.1 rated capacity of proposed renewable energy system is equal to or more than 1%
of internal lighting and space-conditioning consumption or its equivalent in the
building(1 point mandatory), as per all compliance clauses.
18.3.2 rated capacity of proposed renewable energy system meets annual energy
requirements of equal to or more than 5% of internal lighting consumption or its
equivalent in the building (1 point), as per all compliance clauses.

* Exemptions as per clause 7.3 of ECBC would apply.
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