Page 41 - GRIHA Manual Volume II - Introduction to National Rating System
P. 41
Sustainable site planning 33

CRIteRIon 3

SoIl ConSeRvAtIon (tIll


Environmentally, nutrient-rich topsoil is excavated along with the rest of the soil from the site
and is discarded in a construction landfill, or reused as back-fill in the same or another site. Rapid
deforestation occurs due to the sudden mass removal of vegetation and soil, especially when post-
construction activities do not involve any afforestation or landscape activities. This further allows
the soil to be carried away/eroded in the monsoons, or due to improperly channelled wastewater
from the construction site.

Figure 1 Image showing soil excavated from a construction site. The area is the bottom is reserved for reserved for soil
storage till post construction

Note It takes approximately 100 years for 1 inch (2.5 cm) of topsoil to be deposited, that too if there is the correct ratio of organic material,
inorganic material, and moisture present at the site.
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