Page 54 - GRIHA Manual Volume II - Introduction to National Rating System
P. 54
46 GrIha Manual: Volume 2

5. Elevations must respond to the local climatic conditions.
Architectural Elements such as balconies, verandahs, and external
elevations corridors can serve effectively as external shading
devices and prevent heat gain in the summers. The
elevation can be broken up into smaller elements such
that the overall surface area exposed to direct solar
radiation is reduced. Local traditional architectural
practices often relied extensively on such interventions,
therefore local/regional trends should be studied and
understood to help respond better to the regional
Site inventory characteristic 02 – Topography and adjacent landforms
1. Building The surface to volume ratio and the perimeter to area Gravity-fed Sewer lines can be so designed as complement the
proportions ratio largely determine its potential to exploit solar sewer lines natural slope of the land and contours. This can ensure
passive design features effectively. Both these ratios, that no pumping energy shall be required to carry
if kept to a minimum in hot climates lead to an eficient sewage across the site and into the municipal sewers.
design. In cold climates, high surface to volume (s/v)
ratio can be coupled with attached sun spaces, or
solaria, to capture heat and passively heat the interior
spaces. Thus, a compact plan with properly zoned
interior spaces (with buffer spaces such as stairwells and
toilets on the sides of maximum heat gain) can generate
a very eficient and low-energy architecture.
2. Wind loads Keeping in view global and local wind patterns, the Landilling Altering the levels of the site via cutting and illing
opening in a building can be designed to curtail or exploit activities must be done to the minimum and very
the winds on site. Often due to adjacent wind forms, judiciously. This is because altering the slope often
pockets of very high wind pressure are created or vice leads to increased low of water and erosion of soil. This
versa. Windows and their shades (such as vertical requires further construction of appropriate drainage
louvers) or other building elements such as walls and interventions to contain and control the storm/sewage
trees can be used to delect winds towards or away from water. This may also compromise the bearing capacity
a building as required. of the soil over a period of time and lead to land-slides
and slippages.
3. Topography and adjacent built/natural forms can often Natural site Sustainable urban drainage strategy (SUDS) requires
Architectural require elevations to be treated very differently in features for maximum utilization of the natural site features to
elevations comparison to what the climate demands. If an adjacent rain/storm integrate as benign a sewage management system as
building is blocking the proposed building’s right to light water drainage possible on site. This requires retaining as many natural
or ventilation, larger windows/air-inlets may need to be features as possible and trying to design an architectural
provided on a façade that ordinarily would not permit the intervention that does the least to compromise/
same due to energy considerations. Thus, the localized drastically alter the existing conditions on site. The
architectural elevations and façade details should also architectural design can be made to respond to the
respond to the micro-climatic/site conditions. existing site conditions to the maximum possible extent.
Please note that this also requires minimum economic
investment and minimum expenditure on energy
consumption over the life cycle of the building.
4. Drainage Drainage strategies should be based on sustainable Location of Detention ponds can affect the low of surface water
strategies urban drainage systems or SUDS. Conventional groundwater and its run-off from the site in consideration, by catching
systems direct all the water during heavy downpour into detention and holding the water and slowly releasing it into either
a drainage system, often leading to looding or clogging. ponds a SUDS or a conventional sewage system. The location
SUDS ensures that the low is attenuated using natural of the ponds should complement the natural slope
means so as to slow the low as also employ natural and should be so located as to effectively hold water
systems that can purify and ilter the water. This water from the entire site over the period of discharge into
can then be suitably used on the site to cater to the the drainage systems/SUDS. The lowest points of the
building’s demand. These often cost lesser money to site should be selected for the location of the detention
construct and are can be designed in a manner as to ponds, and the number of ponds should be decided via
not require connection to a main city sewer system. (Eg. detailed calculations based on the run-off coeficients of
Swales, Soakaways, Holding ponds, pervious surfaces, the site and the surfaces on site.
optimally-designed pervious pavement systems, etc.)
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