Page 58 - GRIHA Manual Volume II - Introduction to National Rating System
P. 58
50 GrIha Manual: Volume 2


Start by categorizing the climate zone as per the geographical attributes of the site. Solar access in
the morphology of clusters can be understood in terms of utilization of direct (and not reflected or
diffused) solar radiation, mainly for daylighting and heat gain. This defines the minimal distances
between the buildings and the relations between built-up volume and open spaces.
Choice of building types depend mainly on the cost of the land, infrastructure, and land availability
and suitability as per the requirements. Each building type and combination of different types forms
a matrix of environmental conditions, which affect the macro- as well as the micro-climate around
and inside the building. Building types may be detached/semi-detached, with courtyard/patio,
high-rise, and row house.
The proportion of open spaces and built-up edges should be designed such that it ensures
winter solar access and summer ventilation.
# Vegetation may provide as shading and promote evaporative cooling. In hot and dry climates,
evaporative cooling through appropriately sized wet surfaces or fountains have a desirable effect.
# Examine the past trends of natural hazards, such as earthquakes and floods.

After the potential factors affecting the sustainable design have been analysed and assessed,
and site is selected thereof, the optimal patterns for a sustainable development should be
layered upon each other to organize all the proposed building elements. This will result in an
effective and operational site development fit. The main intent is to optimize the use of resources
and energy savings by reducing the site disturbance during constructional and occupancy phases
of the project.
The underlying goal can then be frozen through a generic design process; that is, conceptually
arriving at the best design through project requirements versus sustainable development by
sequential incorporation of various design factors.
These design factors can initially be conceptualized through sections or sketches. The site
development can be done on the best practices followed in each of the potential factors.
# Land use and existing features
# Siting and orientation
# Landscaping
# Pavements
# External lighting
# Utility or infrastructure

Assess the existing air quality of the site if it falls under an industrial or commercial area. Judge the
suitability of soil and groundwater. Study the native vegetation growth on the site.

Guide to use GRIHA online evaluation tool

The interface of the template first requires the user to tick (in the boxes on the left) the check box if
the point is being attempted. As soon as the user clicks on the relevant box, the related compliance
documents get ticked automatically asking the notice of the user to provide all the required
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